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Original Weapons


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Ok, I didn't see this topic as a whole, and if it already exists don't read on and delete mine.


Well, my request isn't a simple one and I would do it myself if I could or wouldn't be too lazy to learn how to make weapon models. The new weapon models just seem ugly especially the plasma weapons which look like some raider went to the scrapyard and glued everything together that looked "technical". The lasers are bulky (yea, you see, I'm pretty much into energy weapons). The Alien blaster is ok, I'd just like to change the colour. The combat shotgun looks like an old machinegun from the 70's and the sniper rifle looks like a crash between a barret 82 (you know that big sniper rifle) and something I can't identify.


Ok, enough with the whining and on to the request:


please, someone, bring back the classic weapons from our beloved Fallout 1/2 (and even tactics) they had charisma and beside the .223 pistol I didn't see a project for the classics anywhere.



Well then, thank you for reading and please excuse my rusted english.


Oh yea, to all the modding community, you people are simply great, there are so many magnificent mods out there.

Thank you for all your work, it's really appreciated.

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