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Guy was a pretty good dancer.


yeah that much is a none fail hehe its a shame he didnt see the kid in time though...


Edward Cullen

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There it is the creeping moral decay and sense of responsibility of the past millenia.


Too bad for the child too bad for the dancer,

As for the mother and father, they don't desrve the title parents.

I am ashemed to live on the planet, with people like that. (i'm goign back to my home now, in east timor)

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I have no children. Nor can i predict there everystep let alone tommorows weather, i'm only saying that that was ugly, and i can not imagine such events happening to me, thus i made the staement i left so as to point out my biased point of view coming from a man whom has never adn possibly never will be a person in such a tramatic cituation. Thus as a third party candidate whom has no former knowledge of the child parents, and dancer i say that i look down upon it, i am dissapointed in the fate that had befallen these persons/people. Such as in the situation of every groin hit you have ever seen in a comedy show, you whince, laugh, cower in fear, run for safety, and/or look upon in a critical manner. These situations make me no diffrent from every other person who has seen the video. I can not tell you what happened before or after the 18 second video only that what had occured is not something i would want to happen to me.


Welcome to the colloseum, I'm no gladiator i'm a spectator, same as all of you.

So fail on paratnage, fail on society, fail on the impulse of every person to have to release their sadistac tendancies by wathcing movies like 300. I did enjoy that movie, I guess this video reminds us that were all human.

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And there's nothing wrong in being human and having weaknesses. And on that movie... well, it becomes nothing so terrible when you have something to compare it with. I saw something of a similar situation with an escaped child... in a subway near the edge of a platform. No, the child didn't suffer aside from being spanked by his mother who caught him shortly after I spotted him, but I swear it felt as if my heart stopped when I heard the train approaching.
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Well your right of course, nothing wrong indeed. An di having nothing to compare it with, excersie my ability to be critical about something i have no knowledge of. As for the weddign i do have something to compare that with.


That and i actually made that remark after a couple sniffters, plus i was in an argumenative mood.


In any case, FAIL * infitinty.

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:whistling:I'd post a video but i don't want to make people too upset...

4th emote.


Immanuel Kant was a real pissant

Who was very rarely stable.

Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar

Who could think you under the table.

David Hume could out-consume

Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel,

And Wittgenstein was a beery swine

Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.


There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya'

'Bout the raising of the wrist.



John Stuart Mill, of his own free will,

On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.

Plato, they say, could stick it away;

Half a crate of whiskey every day.

Aristotle, Aristotle was a *censored* for the bottle,

Hobbes was fond of his dram,

And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart: "I drink, therefore I am"

Yes, Socrates, himself, is particularly missed;

A lovely little thinker but a *censored* when he's pissed!



I believe python sums it up quite nicely and i'm in austira learning about Sigmund Freud and you know whats he's like!

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