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How many Skyrim characters do you have?


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  1. 1. How many active save games do you have?

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A few questions for you:

How many Skyrim characters do you have?

Do they have their own unique playstyle, e.g one is a vampire pure mage, and another is an assassin?

What race are they? (If it's a custom race, a link would be nice :P)

How many of them do you actively play\ how many are "retired"?

What is there alignment?


I've personally got five, and I play them all actively.


1. Heavy armor, one-handed Wood Elf. Generally a good guy.

2. No armor, warmage Vampire Dark elf. Uses Dragonhide, wards, healing, and bound sword to be nearly invincible. usually a bad guy.

3. Khajit assassin. Uses daggers and ancient DB armor. Evil alignment, that's why he's an assassin :3

4. Snow Elf archer. Light armor. Doesn't really have any alignment.

5. Redguard viking badass. Fists only, heavy armor. kills everyone and has a drinking problem.

Edited by grasscid
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Over the past year I really have had too many to count and right now I'm not sure, but it's more than 6 for sure. Here are a couple I remember:


- Light armor, archery Wood Elf. Cares about himself mostly, hates the Thalmor

- Light armor, two-handed Redguard. Fights if the price is right

- Conjuration (bound weapon), alteration Dark Elf. Does whatever he wants

- Light armor, one-handed, destruction Nord. Good guy.

- Light armor, two-handed, block, archery, alchemy, sneak Argonian. Wants to do good, but is hesitant because he doesn't trust anyone

- Assault Rifle (mod) High Elf. SHOOT EVERYTHING THAT MOVES

- Light armor, one-handed, block (sword + torch) Imperial. Mostly good. Enjoys killing, but channels that to bandits, falmer, etc.


I don't really like heavy armor...


Right now I'm mostly playing on the Imperial, the Argonian and the Wood Elf.

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I have one that I use actively(everytime I play Skyrim). But I got a second that I use only for screenshots.



The one I use is almost a pure assassin. His race is Dunmer/Imperial. A righteous Dunmer that wants to help his fellow Dunmer friends. Good guy.



The second is Dunmer/Nord and she does not really have a playstyle. Since she is for screenshots, I use whatever is relevant for the shot. A crossbow atm. Alignment is same as the first. But she is a good woman.


The races are Dunmers but with some small changes to eyecolor and height.


Light armor on both.

Edited by Niborino9409
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First playthru...UNP Sleek steel wearing redheaded Warrior/prostitute. And I'm winning too it seems. ;)



edit Ha! Seems Sherogoth can alter language on the forums. Was the alliterative combination too potent?

Edited by Shubal
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Only three. I usually had ten+ in Morrowind and Oblivion but I tried to rein my imagination in this time round. :P


My main is a Nord warrior called Eir (after the old Norse goddess because I'm original like that) who dual-wields Dragonbane and an excessively enchanted Blades' katana lovingly dubbed 'Decapitator.'

She's my Dudley Do-Right. I play her as a sort of Paladin, but without the stupidity.


Next is my self-absorbed Bosmer thief, Ivoriel. She's 100 in sneak, archery and illusion iirc. I don't really play her much after finishing the Thieves' Guild questline. I guess she was chaotic neutral in regards to alignment.


And lastly is my favourite. Wouldn't you know it's the nutter.

Solaris is an Imperial mage who has the innate desire for complete and utter destruction. She's evil, ruthless and overly ambitious, but harbors a bit of a soft spot for Odahviing. He's going to help her take over the world, you see. For reals. They sit upon the tower in Winterhold plotting and muahaha-ing.

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Only three. I usually had ten+ in Morrowind and Oblivion but I tried to rein my imagination in this time round. :P


My main is a Nord warrior called Eir (after the old Norse goddess because I'm original like that) who dual-wields Dragonbane and an excessively enchanted Blades' katana lovingly dubbed 'Decapitator.'

She's my Dudley Do-Right. I play her as a sort of Paladin, but without the stupidity.


Next is my self-absorbed Bosmer thief, Ivoriel. She's 100 in sneak, archery and illusion iirc. I don't really play her much after finishing the Thieves' Guild questline. I guess she was chaotic neutral in regards to alignment.


And lastly is my favourite. Wouldn't you know it's the nutter.

Solaris is an Imperial mage who has the innate desire for complete and utter destruction. She's evil, ruthless and overly ambitious, but harbors a bit of a soft spot for Odahviing. He's going to help her take over the world, you see. For reals. They sit upon the tower in Winterhold plotting and muahaha-ing.


Love that last one, lol.

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A few questions for you:

How many Skyrim characters do you have?

Do they have their own unique playstyle, e.g one is a vampire pure mage, and another is an assassin?

What race are they? (If it's a custom race, a link would be nice :P)

How many of them do you actively play\ how many are "retired"?

What is there alignment?





I have tried a fair number, but keep going back to just the one...his the only one I seem to manage to retain great interest in playing...:


Ro'aan Kane....a great hulking dark skinned, dark haired Nord....with a Race Height Adjustor Mod and a little extra console bump he is tall...a little taller than other Nord Males and at max weight slider....a big man.


Combat: His combat style stays the same....is Stealth/Archer/Poisoner/Light Armor...his secondaries being Two Handed/Smithing/Speech.....Is a very dirty Tactics heavy fighter, no tactics beneath him no matter how low they are, he uses everything to his advantage....Has absolutely no Magic what-so-ever (have a mod that removes his starter spells)...as a Nord he distrusts magic...doesn't use enchanted weapons or armor either....He is a Werewolf but not a Companions Werewolf, his a Pure Blood, born as such (mod).


Alignment: Shaky at best....Chaotic Good/Neutral....can be Evil....Is not a Thief or Assassin, in fact he actively hunts and kills such people....assassinates Assassins I guess....His something of a self proclaimed Ranger...actively hunts and kills Bandits, Thalmor, Necromancers, Rouge Mages, Vampires, Thieves, etc....basically he hunts those who hunt others....Is generally goodish towards citizens, won't harm them, but can be rather twisted in his expectations of them...sex in payment for favors they ask, etc...he will go right out of his way to protect citizens, but as I said kinda off in his moral fiber....and is not above doing nasty things to Bandits, etc... beyond killing them...such as enslavement, etc....So, to be honest I actually wouldn't really be able to be very specific about his alignment...his consistent in his behavior, but questionable.

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