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Dawnguard "Awakening" puzzle bug [help needed]


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OK so basically I need some help with the quest Awakening in dawnguard. I am at the part with the braziers puzzle. I know how to do the puzzle and I am able to get the path of purple flames to appear from the first, second to the third brazier but once I lock the third brazier the flames do not give me a path to the fourth or fifth.. I can move all the braziers into the right places but the flames fail to appear thus I cannot get the floor to open up to complete the quest. I have all of the most recent updates and even an unofficial patch for dawnguard. I have tried taking all mods off and restarting my game re-downloading etc...No luck! Please if anyone has any helpful tips or tricks let me know, thanks!



I just tried to do this puzzle on a different character and...IT WORKED! But what am I to do now? My main character is the one it is bugged on. Any thoughts?

Edited by zierky
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Not that I doubt you, but are you really sure that you placed them correctly? Feels like that could be the problem.


I am quite sure I have done it correctly. In the picture I put on the thread I did it up to the point where it stopped showing the flames and then just to see if it would do anything I completed the puzzle but still no luck. Thanks for the post though! :)

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