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TES5Edit tells me there is a conflict with NPC scripts


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Hello community, I just created my first mod which changes Serana's look and I checked with TES5Edit for dirty edits/etc. It seems there is a conflict between my mod and Unofficial Dawnguard Patch, because both of them seem to modify Serana's scripts. Since I haven't modified any of Serana's scripts, I want to know what generates this conflict, why, and eventually how to solve it. Your help will be highly appreciated ! =)

Here's the screenshot :

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You may not have modified any of Serana's scripts, but the UDP did (presumably to fix something), hence the conflict with UDP. But since your esp does not modify any scripts, this is not a 'true conflict', and you can make your esp compatible with UDP by dragging its scripts over to your esp (shouldn't require making UDP a master to your esp). If you don't, then that means anyone who loads your esp after UDP will not benefit from UDP's Serana script fix. If you include the UDP Serana script, that just means anyone who didn't have UDP installed would end up benefiting from the script just by downloading your mod. Not really a bad thing. :)
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I understand, but even if I didn't modify Serana's scripts, they are still different from the vanilla ones :\, thing I find weird. Also, (as far as I know) UDP only changes DLC1SeranaLevelingScript, which can be found in the /scripts folder. I don't know if that conflict is generated by the fact that DLC1SeranaLevelingScript is different or just because things like appearance/race were modified.
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I understand, but even if I didn't modify Serana's scripts, they are still different from the vanilla ones :\


Then you should definitely drag the UDP script over to your mod :)


As you correctly ascertained, there is no reason why cosmetic edits should affect any of Serana's scripts. Maybe some accidental edit happened when you were making the cosmetic changes in the CK (which is just a wonkey utility).


[edit] wait, did you say you edited her 'race'?

Edited by ripple
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