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Add a betting option to "JanusForbeares Fighting Words" (a brawl mod)


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Hello modders:

There is an amazingly useful mod that let you brawl with any NPC, anywhere, anytime, called "JanusForbeares Fighting Words" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23043)
Its amazing and i cannot play without it.

BUT, it lacks a little something, a little flavor.

It would be very cool if one could also have an option to brawl, while betting a few septims.

The bet could be tied to the ammount of septims the NPC has, or maybe a set ammount of 100, like the bet one makes with Uthgerd the Unbroken.

The scripted event exist in the game already, so, maybe it would be easy to implement it? (idk, i would love to know how to mod)

Doesnt matter if the dialogue its silent, as long as it works just like a regular vanilla brawl, but with anyone. (Or maybe only with those that have a 0, -1 or -2 relationship with the player)

If something like this exist, please let me know! :)


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