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Bijin Skin Glitched


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I just installed bijin skin for my skyrim and when I load in the game, when my female npcs are undressed the textures are their but off the nipple textures are not on the nipples thier of just sittin gon the skin, it seems though the skin did not correctly match its model, also thiers something wrong with their waste its like sticking out, or an invisible line where it is




Update: I found out its not the bijin skin glitch its happening for other skins like pride of valhalla, the nipple texture arent on the nipple model, and the waist still has that line of emptiness, so somethings wrong with the character model

Edited by Rogue147
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You're using a UNP-family skin with a CBBE body or vice-versa. The way you describe it sounds a bit like UNP diffuse on a CBBE model. Change the body model to UNP or alternatively find a CBBE version of your preferred texture.

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