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Dark Souls / Rogue Galaxy / LotR Online Armor Request


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Greetings Programs!


I realize that there are dozens of Dark Souls armor requests but the only general ones I see are for Elite Knight or Havel's armor. What i'm looking for is the Hard Leather armor set that the warrior starts out with. Its simple, practical, looks great and honestly my favorite armor to use the entire game. It would also be great if someone could make the Balder's Shield and/or Bloodshield.





Next up, Rogue Galaxy! A fun RPG on the ps2. The first armor is called Desert Dweller, the 2nd Desert Claw. It would be awesome if both could be made, but either one is fine.



Lastly this one I found while cruising the net and is apparently from LotR Online, never played so I'm not sure. Regardless the armor is great looking so I figured I'd throw it up here as well.



I hope someone takes up my request to make these, if so much thanks in advance!

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