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Reusing Face Data


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To start, I'm new to the Creation Kit and Papyrus, but thankfully I'm adept at C++ so it's not a hard trasition.


I want to create a very particular mod, and I've been doing a lot of research on how to get it done. But I keep hitting snags - which I hope that more experienced Creation Kit and Papyrus users can help with.


This mod will contain spells that can alter the player's appearance. One of the main components to this is the ability to change the player's race. This alone is simple enough. The trouble comes with wanting to implement a feature where the game remembers how the player appears as each individual race, so that the player can appear as they like with any race without having to re-create their favorite face each time they change race.


So far, I've got a good plan on how to start this - but the problem I'm currently facing is how to save the player-made changes to each race. I was originally planning on creating new NPCs to save the face data for the player, and just swap out the face data when the player changes race via a spell. But it's my understanding that changes to NPCs are never permanent - My testing of this fact has revealed that even if changes to an NPC are persistent in save file loads, the changes disappear when the game itself is reloaded. Then I also thought to use the SavePCFace command - only to realize there is no load equivalent. I'm not sure where to approach this from here.


My last idea is using global variables to store some of this data - but that would take a lot of them, and I'm not exactly sure how they are handled in Creative Kit and Papyrus. I'll be doing more research in that direction next.


In the meantime, does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, solutions, or feedback?

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