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NPCs Not Fighting Back


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So I am in the process of installing 'way too many mods' to do another playthrough of Skyrim, and I've run into a problem where when installing some mods - mods that I can't fathom are actually related, like skyBirds (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23771) and the Green Water Fix (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14007) - I have an issue where, when approaching Whiterun from the first time and encountering the Companions fighting a Giant, they... don't fight, just stand there letting the giant beat up on them.


Obviously this is far from game-breaking on its own, but it makes me worry that it's indicative of a larger issue. I'm not bothering to upload my load order or anything - no point to making anyone go digging through that, at least not yet - but has anyone ever had a problem like this? It it something I should worry about, or just a weird hiccup?

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  • 5 months later...

I currently have a simmilar problem, but in addition, npcs are also acting weirdly to the fury spell. It acts like a calm spell initially, and they won't fight (either me or anyone else) unless I provoke them.


I haven't narrowed down any mods that could have caused it. I'm currently in the process of reinstalling the game to see if that helps.

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