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Will many ongoing quests crash my game?


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I am itching to have multiple quests at the same time and not finish one before starting another (I am using the choice is yours as well as Timing is everything so I can have 1-5 quests minimum if I don't branch out).


However, I am worried that having 20-50 quests going at the same time may cause the game to crash (due to memory, scripts, I don't know). Is such a thing possible? Does the number of ongoing quests in your quest log affect the stability of the game?)

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I have a stack of around 20 or 30 ongoing quests (primary and misc). It doesn't seem to cause any issues


Hmm ... I would like to know about more, like, 50-60 quests.


There haven't been any complaints about this? Ever?

Edited by nickolaidas
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Some people with VERY large lists of quests have reported that the earliest seem to drop off the list if/when it gets too long. I can neither confirm or deny this report wrt my game, nor offer anything else substantive on it, but I do remember reading several along the way. If you scan the forum for long enough (back far enough), you'll find those posts. Afaik, last one I read was sometime last winter (2019-2020), but also as I recall, there was a minor "flurry" of related posts, so there should be a group of post discussing it.


But as to the number of open quests causing CTDs? I don't think so

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