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Blacksmith + Clothing Store Mod (Player Owned)


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I've been wanting to do this mod for years, but I never had the time until now to really attempt it..


It's based off of my favorite mod from Morrowind, which does the same thing, and I'm super surprised nobody has ever done it again since, since both were extremely fun Roleplaying wise, and added new ways to sell and get rid of the mass amount of loot you can get.


How the original morrowind mod worked:


You could purchase the store, and then hire a cashier for the clothing shop, and another cashier or armorer for the armor shop. You'd pay them a weekly salary. random NPCs would come in and purchase anything displayed. There are chests in the back room labeled appropriately. (Armor, weapons, longswords, shortswords, etc.) If placed in the correct chests they would automatically populate the displays in the store. How much something sold depended on your speech skill. Or your cashiers speech skill if you were not in the store at the time the NPC purchased an item. You could train the cashier up to your own speech skill.

It was really that basic, but such an awesome mod. Now with SKSE and how more advanced both it and skyrim are, I feel like a new re imagining of this mod would be great, and I have spent some time really adding new and more elaborate mechanics, idea's, and immersion into it.

The biggest problem I have with Skyrim is I always get so much loot, yet the merchants never have enough gold to sell it all, or I have to run all over skyrim to every hold to sell everything off.. That and Enchanting stuff becomes... pointless at a point.. The items become so expensive merchants can barely buy it, and if you're trying to level enchanting you'll have a whole load of stuff nobody can either buy, or have enough to buy it all from you.

With this mod you'd have a place to sell it.


I have dabbled in the Construction Kit here and there. I've made myself houses, and added basic NPCs before, but nothing beyond this. When it comes to scripting (and this mod will require alot of it). I have no clue wtf I'm doing.


Before I describe my mod idea, I have a few requests, and questions..


1) is there a good place to learn and brush up on what I'll need to know to make this mod scripting wise?


2) If not #1 is there anyone willing to help answer any of the hundreds of questions I may have as I stumble my way through this?


3) Please give any suggestions, feedback, or thoughts on what I write below. If there are better or more interesting ways to do something, or you feel there is a more simpler elegant way to do it please let me know.




My Mod:


Note: Please note that I plan to release this mod in increments. At first you'll only be able to open a shop in Whiterun, with basic NPCs. It will expand out from there as I continue to add and grow the mod, to everything I write below. What's written below is the 100% full realization of the mod.



You will be able to purchase a Blacksmith Shop, or a Clothing Shop, (Winterhold will have its own unique "magic shop") by talking to the steward of any city. Blacksmith shop is weapons and armors of any type, while a Clothing shop is anything unarmored + jewelry.


You will be able to own both shops at the same time in any city, and some shops will be "additions" you can build onto your original shop. You will then use a book in the living area to hire a cashier for both shops + and blacksmith for the blacksmith shop. They will be paid a weekly salary based off of their skill level.


Outfitting your shop will work much like the original Morrowind mods, but with a few QOL changes. You can crouch and toggle any display in the store to decide what type of item can be displayed on it. There will be an auto sort function in the back room which will then pull items from your inventory that are either not being worn, or favorited and automatically distribute them onto the displays available if any. A second Auto sort chest will automatically distribute the remaining items in your inventory into appropriately labeled chests in the back room. (Much like the legacy of the dragonborn auto sort features in your Safe Room). There will be a book nearby as well to toggle features of the auto sort functions, such as whether to ignore enchanted items or not, or if it should try to display the most expensive items first, or a random mix.


Random NPCs will occassionally enter your stores, generated by my script. The script will give them a random npc "type". This type will determine what they will buy, and what they are able to spend on the items they are looking for. Every NPC type can enter either of the stores and have a list of the chances of them buying something. Some types of NPCs will have a higher chance of spawning in certain cities, though Nobles will always be more rare, but have the highest chance of spawning in Solitude, with Whiterun being the second highest (due to it supposedly being the trade capital of Skyrim, and the easiest accessible to Cyrodil).


NPC types:

Nobles: Can purchase anything between 1,000 to 100,000 worth in gold. Will generally try to buy the most expensive small personal weapons such as daggers, or swords (that are worth at least 1,000 gold or more). For clothing stores they will try to buy expensive jewelry, and clothes.

Adventurers: will have between 500, 30,000 gold to spend, and will buy anything they can afford.

Merchants: Will have between 5,000 to 60,000 to spend, and will mostly try to buy Light armors, personal weapons, or simple clothing.

Common: between 100 to 500 gold to spend, will try to buy basic iron, steel items, or basic clothing.

Mercenary: between 1,000 to 20,000, Rarely enters clothing stores but will try to purchase simple clothing. Will attempt to buy the most expensive weapons and armors they can afford.

Rogues: between 500 to 7,000 gold, will attempt to purchase the most expensive personal weapons of daggers, or bows, and light hide like armors

Assassins: Similar to Rogues, but affinity more for Leather armors.

Hunters: 500 to 4,000 to spend, loves bows, hides armors, and arrows.

Guards: 1,000 to 15,000 Wants heavy armors, basic clothing, and a mix of 1 handed weapons, shields, and 2 handed weapons. Prefers Steel or Iron.

Mages: 500 to 15,000 Prefers cloaks, and mage like apparel, will often buy jewelry un enchanted (because they want to enchant it themselves). Always wants to buy potions.

*Arcane Mages: 15,000 - 30,000 toSimilar to Mages but has a good mix of purchasing enchanted items and un enchanted items, as well as more expensive potions.

*Sorcerers: 30,000 to 80,000 again similar to Arcane Mages, but loves to buy mostly enchanted weapons, clothes.

* These types will only spawn in the magic shop in Winterhold.



Different cities have their own unique internal ecosystem as well. What type of people enter a shop in Solitude would be highly different than Falkreath or Riften for example, and what their needs are would be vastly different. To simuate this, both what type of npcs are most likely to spawn in a shop and what they are more likely to buy will be based specifically on what city the shop is in.


Winterhold for example gets no traffic for travelers since its destruction. Only mages will spawn in the shop, and therefore has its own unique "magic shop" where the items you can sell are either enchanted weapons/armors, or staffs, enchanted clothes, and normal or enchanted jewelry and potions.

Whiterun however is supposed to be the "Trade capital" of skyrim. Therefore you'll see a good 50% mix of every NPC type not counting Sorcerers or Arcane mages due to the distrust of magic users in skyrim, but you will see the occasional mage still, this means just about anything can be sold in your Whiterun shops with pretty good regularity once your stores become more prestigious.


RIften you'll get mostly guards, and very high traffic levels of common and Rogues. So you'll sell hides, basic weapons, and armors very well, but anything expensive, enchanted, or jewelry won't sell well.


Falkreath is as you'd guess mostly hunters, and mercenary. So again basic weapons and armors, and high volumes of bows, arrows, etc.



All cities would be evened out and balanced in what would be a believable type of npcs and volume they'd see.




The Shop, upkeep, and growth.

Over time as you sell more items your shop will become more "prestigious" This is a basic numeric system from 1 to 10. 1 being barely known except for the town you're in and 10 being people outside skyrim will come to see your shop.


This "prestige" system will add modifiers to the type of NPCs you could see, and the volume of traffic your store gets. This doesn't mean Falkreath will ever see the same levels of traffic and high spenders Solitude would, but it certainly will be become very profitable amongst the hunters, and regulars, with a good stream of customers at 10.


Shops will need to pay a weekly land tax to the Jarls and the NPCs they recruited. This is done by keeping some money in the "Money chest" in each shop. All sales go into this chest automatically, so just leave enough for taxes at the end of each week and you'll be fine.

(Failure to pay off your taxes a certain number of times will result in the script being suspended, and you have to go the jarl personally to pay off what you owe before your shop is unlocked and the script resumes).

Once you hit prestige of 3, you'll start to see basic requests in a request box. Activating this will open letters with "Requests". reading this request will start a quest to either make, deliver, or have your blacksmith create the item or items in question. So 3 ways of completing the request. If you make, or deliver the item yourself (If you have it on hand already), you can simply drop it into the "Delivery" box, which the script will check at the end of every day, and you'll be paid extra for.

At prestige of 6+ you'll get more and bigger requests such as from mercenary companies requesting several types of goods weapons and armors, and at prestige 10 you'll get major requests from the Jarl themselves to help outfit the guard with new outfits periodically for major pay offs. If you have supported the Rebels or Imperials and have an armor shop in the corresponding capital for them, you will get requests from the Storm cloaks or Imperial Army as well.



Final Note on the Armorer you can hire. He/She will have their own chest which you can drop stuff into. hides, leathers, ingots, ores, etc. Which they will then use to create items. Generally 1 item a day will be created based off of the level of the armorer and ingredients available. You can also tell the armorer in each city what type of stuff they should focus on, or let them automate it. (Automated they will choose the stuff that the npcs who most frequent the shop will most likely buy).



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