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Just base tactical mod idea's


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So I have done my fair share of mod surfing for Fallout NV and Ive noticed the sheer lack of modern military armors,weapons and features.


So I have some requests for anyone willing to be up to the task.


*I would first like to start off with someone designing some new unique pmc style military armor (Clothing,different types of gloves,plate carriers,hats,goggles,helmets)


*Time for weapons, yes I know there is a lot of modern military weapon mods out there but ive yet to see anyone create a AR that is like the style of MW2019 as in the default hip stance and fire is of the C.A.R system that can be seen in John Wick and MW 2019 (This could be applied to pistols too) following this the addition of canted sights for an AR or possibly a sniper would be a neat addition. I think the ability to switch back and fourth from a reflex sight to canted sights would make gun play WAY more fun.


I know these requests may never be accomplished but the reason I request these is because like me a broke college kid on a potato cant get those fancy tactical mods that Fallout 4 has cause I can't run the dang thing. So im hoping one or a couple people could come togetger and give some of us military fans some hardcore tactical love.


If someone does decide to follow threw with these ideas I have a large vast knowlage of sound design for movies and games so if someone does weapons and needs real weapon sounds Id be more then willing to give someone my stock supply of needed sound files needed. I'd be willing to send things via email or discord.

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