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Glass Of Time


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Im doing the last quest for the theives guild the ultimate heist. When i get to the basement of the imperial palace the glass of time is missing instead there is a glowing yellow tag saying "wtf its a missing mesh". Before i started the game i had to install the oblivion patch 1.7 or it would crash right out of the sewers in the begining. I tried generating the glass of time using the id number in the directory but couldnt get that to work. Anyone with advice PLZ HELP
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Im doing the last quest for the theives guild the ultimate heist. When i get to the basement of the imperial palace the glass of time is missing instead there is a glowing yellow tag saying "wtf its a missing mesh". Before i started the game i had to install the oblivion patch 1.7 or it would crash right out of the sewers in the begining. I tried generating the glass of time using the id number in the directory but couldnt get that to work. Anyone with advice PLZ HELP


You're missing some meshes that are probably in the thieves guild ultimate heist mod. Backup your save game somewhere, and your Oblivion\Data folder, then remove and re-install the mod. Make sure that whatever's in the meshes folder in the mod, is getting copied into Oblivion\Data\meshes. This can happen if you install something after the mod that replaces the meshes or removes them altogether.


Alternatively, you can open the archive for the mod, copy the meshes folder, and merge (DON'T Replace) the folder with the meshes in Oblivion\Data.

Edited by talveren
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