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Will companions pick up ammo? (and starting Broken Steel)


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If I equip a companion with an empty gun that I do not want it to use will it pick up ammo for it on its own? I just want to store heavy guns on it for my use when needed, like the Fat Man and the Missile Launcher. I am using RL-3 now and his storage area is good because he will not use any of it (except sims). I am thinking of switching to Charon when I get to him.


I am in the early part of the game, so I am limited to Rl-3, Charon or Jericho as my companions. I had Jericho until I could get RL-3 by following Morias quest to Robco. I am planning on doing everything possible before completing Waters Of Life then proceeding to Broken Steel. So Fawkes and Cross will not be available until very late. I am also trying to roleplay some by only going through areas first that I have some reason to do. I did all of Morias quests first. Then I talked to Three Dog and I am currently exploring the entire DC area and am not going to "find" The Mall until last.


I have never played Broken Steel but I did rush through to the end of the game without Broken Steel installed after I got tired of trying to explore every square foot. Now I am planning to do every square foot, encluding all other expansions, before starting Broken Steel. This time it is all about the journey and not the ending. Unless that is a dumb way to do it. Is there a good reason to have Broken Steel started before exploring all the wasteland?

One advantage is that I could have Fawkes along, or Cross. Are there other advantages/disadvatntages to starting Broken Steel after finishing DC but before exploring everywhere else? I have no idea how much having the Enclave as an enemy will effect my wasteland exploring.


Please, no major spoilers, if you answer. I know very little of what to expect after surviving the Waters Of Life and starting Broken Steel.

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As a general rule, if a Companion "finds" a weapon and ammo better (read: does more damage) than what they already have, they will often (but not always) pick that up and use it instead. They will not revert to using the old weapon just because they find ammo for it. As long as their weapin has ammo and is better than anything they find, Companions will stick with what they have.


Which brings to mind a funny story. One time, I was playing a heavily modded game. The LW and assorted Companions were blasting through the big hall in the Capital Building. Massive explosions kept happening off in the distance, and I couldn't figure what was going on.

.... Until I noticed that Bittercup (Companion mod) had a weapon slung on her back that was definitely NOT what I had given her. I looked closer, and had a sudden "H-o-l-y C##p" reaction. It was a FatBoy launcher, and she had obviously picked up several reloads for it. Ghod knows where she had found this weapon, and I give thanks that we had not been in any close-quarters fighting, otherwise it would have been ..... bad.



Personally, I would advise having Broken Steel on as you play now. It does provide certain benefits, such as your Character being able to level higher.

Edited by 7thsealord
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I was afraid of that. Thanks. I still think I will swap RL-3 with Charon. RL-3 is great for the storage and I have read that he levels up well with Broken Steel installed, but his aim is so piss poor that he is not much help. I guess I will leave the Fat Boy and Missle Launcher at home and hope that I can fast travel back if I need them. I know about the cheat to have both NPCs but I do not want to do that.
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RL-3's cargo capacity does come in very handy. But I found he sometimes goes totally psycho at friendlies and neutrals for no reason, so I don't use him at all now.


Charon is hard to beat, if only for the way one gets to "employ" him. I just love that guy's style.


Accepted that you don't want to use any mods (at least at this stage), but these two little guys are terrific robotic guards / cargo-haulers. One of them even uses RL-3's dialogue: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/7781

Edited by 7thsealord
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OK, 7thsealord, I now have a conformatrion of your info and a simular funny story. With Charon as my followwer, using his default shotgun, I entered the White House ruins. I found two mini nukes but I thought I was also supposed to find a Fat Man. I think you know where this story is going ... After exiting the White House, I went into the nearest metro. A lowly ghoul ran at us and just as I killed him with my shotgun, I suddenly died in a hugh explosion. My first thought was WTF did I explode some flamable gas or set off a trap - but they usually do not do that much damage. So, first I looked for a trap or gas, saw none, then looked at what was on Charons back!!!! Of course, my missing Fat Man. The stupid game AI lets him use it on one of the easist critters to kill at point blank range. FUFUFUFU!!!!!!! Hee Hee. It does liven up the game ;)
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:biggrin: Hee-Hee-Hee.


Yep, liven up the game it certainly does. It also gives you a huge incentive to keep close tabs on your Companions.


Note that various mods increase the incidence of 'big" weapons that can be found out in the Wastes. You REALLY have to watch your Companions then.

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