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Things the game could really use

Nox Angelus

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I love this game, but there's several functionality issues I feel they skipped for no good reason. Now that the GECK is out and folks are working hard on the FOSE, I would like to know if someone's working on these things or, if not, find someone to point me in the right direction to start them myself.


Quickslots - Why they would leave out quick slots, like 1-8 in Oblivion is beyond me, especially considering the number of weapons and drugs/foods.


Alternate use button - basically the equivalent of Oblivion's Cast Button, another useful tool for things like use items (i.e. Stealthboys). Personally, my use for it would be to do a serious, balanced PSI mod that would let you use abilities while welding a weapon.


Thank you in advance for your help.

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