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A Healed Vampire...


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Well, simply put, I became a vampire through Serana in the DG DLC, but I had to get myself healed because, well, it's difficult to be in the DG as a vampire. Anyhow, I got myself healed, but... my least favorite aspect of vampirism remains: my sensitivity to light.


It's been like this for a long time in-game, and it is extremely irritating that everything is practically white-washed/colorless, and that any amount of light obscures my vision entirely. I don't know if this is a bug related to a mod that I have-- I don't think any of my mods so much as touch base on vampirism-- but I haven't heard of anybody having this issue otherwise. Does it seem likely that it's an issue with DG, or is it likely my mods?


EDIT: Just another extreme example, outside Heljarchen Hall.

Edited by WheatleyGerm
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