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Issues with the current skills / accuracy (rifles specifically)


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I'm sure I'm not the only one who is more than a little frustrated about this. Honestly, the skill system just doesn't translate to realistic accuracy. In real life, a complete newb would have little to no problem firing a rifle with reasonable accuracy and/or groupings.

Where I can see the "skill" coming into play would be weapon degradation, firing speed, and to limited degree accuracy.


I'm not an expert marksman by any stretch of the imagination...just a casual shooter, but on my first...second...third times out I was still able to easily hit paper from 100 meters. I'd probably come close at 200, but my groupings would be much wider.


now, I know for a fact that a trained marksman can probably get the groupings much tighter and can easily fire quicker and more accurate when they are firing in quick succession than someone who has no formal training or little experience with guns. Furthermore, I still don't get why the sniper rifle bounces around so much, yet the hunting rifle doesn't (and why not add iron sights and new skins while we're at it. Why did they use a "pipe rifle" type body anyways, it looks like it was duct taped together, though it uses stripper clips so I guess it's better than nothing) Also, why can't you go prone? it would definitely make aiming easier if you were hidden and making a sneak shot on an enemy.


If skill would bring speed into the equation, i could see it taking longer to bring the sights to bear on the target, longer to reload with frequent jambing for those with low skill. I would think if you had the element of surprise you wouldn't be anxious about an enemy firing upon you and would have a greater degree of accuracy than if you were in mutual combat so it might be nice to see an accuracy bonus if you are the person to initiate combat for the first shot or perhaps first clip if you were skilled enough to get a few shots off before your enemy can determine the trajectory and start returning fire.


same goes with pistols/big guns/energy


With melee/HTH I would imagine that with more skill you can do better things with your weapon. perhaps unique moves in VATS or by using the arrows as is done currently. If you were low in skill you could still hit with close to the same amount of damage, but might be limited in the methods and accuracy of hits (accuracy already is taken into account pretty well)



It would be nice to have the ability to gauge distance for thrown weapons...especially grenades (and to have the option to throw knives, junk etc with damage based on their weight (in the case of junk) and their melee damage in the case of knives, darts, (maybe even include hammers, wrenches, spears (hello fallout 2)


possibly skill could also have a bearing on a critical miss chance similar to gun jamb, where the weapon detonates early, is a dud, etc.


Just some ideas for any ambitious modder out there.


All in all for small guns at least, one would be able to shoot with similar accuracy to the skill of 30-40 as a complete novice. Also, it is a bit ridiculous that you can take out super mutants with a baseball bat at like lvl 2 with 20 skill in melee. (mostly on account of you being too close for them to aim at you. I saw the suggestion in the other forum, but the ability to melee with the rifle, shotgun, whatever would definitely add to the game (both for enemies and you) and allow the AI to block.


I wish I even had some idea of how to help implement some of this...I hope that someone finds part/all of this interesting.

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the way the hunting rifle groups at skill 30 i could only understand if you were firing from the hip.

(I turned off auto aim too)


While I'm in a complaining mood, Why did Black Isle/Bethesda pick the strangest calibers for guns (and use pistol ammo for rifles!?!?!??!?!!?!?)

I couldn't tell you the name of a single 10mm pistol (i know they exist, but you'd think they would have gone for a slightly more common round like the 9mm or possibly .380 (not as common but still common)


.32 caliber (WTF) yes, it exists, but it's not common. I don't think i've ever seen the ammo in any stores, though i can't speak for 60 years ago.

why not .357 since they made the gun look like it anyways. The hunting rifle should be 7mm, 8mm, or .223/.556 or possibly 30/06. anything else just doesn't make much sense.


At least they have .556 (wish they had .762 for other assault rifles and took recoil etc into account.


.44 caliber? I guess it exists, but is/was not quite as common as .45 in the united states.


Some of these have been addressed in various mods, but I just wanted to vent. ^_^

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