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Thin line on the neck?


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Having fun with some mods, but yesterday I noticed a strange line appearing at my characters neck. It's not really a seam (I have a seam fix) it just happens when I am outside of a building or dungeon. So it's not always visible.


Here is a screenshot I've made:



You see the thin black line? That's what bother me at the moment. It's very hard to see, but now I always look at it when viewing at my character in third person. :(

Only outside of a building or dungeon and it blinks while she moves her head.


Can I fix this somehow?


I am using Caliente Body Mod and Better Faces by Bella.

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It's a seam. This is something that plagues every female body mod and becomes more apparent depending on the lighting mods that people use (RLWC, enb, whatever). The best way to remedy this is to use a complete retexture set encompassing the face and body (rather than mixing and matching). Although what you have is really minor compare to what I've seen from most body mod retextures. Edited by ripple
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