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[REQ] Ideas..


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I was thinking of some ideas but I have no idea how to make them or if it is even possible...


Anyways one idea was for (yeah not going to be based on the game) Ichigo's zanpakto it would slash a beam that does alot of damage.... Yes I know many of you will scold the idea but I think it'd be a good idea...


Also one more thing I was wondering if someone could make a mod that would remove the robot butler and instead you can create a robotic maid ( As in like a andriod... ) if someone could make these for me or teach me how to make them that'd be sweetness....



P.S Maybe make diffrent ages for the maid... like child ( for all those anime lovers out there that love the loli's.... weirdos... ) one thats the same age as your char ( 19 if I remember correctly ) and last but not least the old lovable grandma.... :thanks:

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