IceGirlErim Posted July 19, 2020 Share Posted July 19, 2020 Is it possible to get the tbb.dll and tbbmalloc.dll to work with Fallout4 to get better stability like with Skyrim SE? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IceGirlErim Posted July 26, 2020 Author Share Posted July 26, 2020 I started digging myself and found the source code for the SkyrimSE Engine Fixes The part for the TBB Library is in the memorymanager.cpp #include "version.h" constexpr REL::ID MemoryManagerAlloc_offset(66859); constexpr REL::ID MemoryManagerFree_offset(66861); constexpr REL::ID ScrapHeapInit_offset(66882); constexpr REL::ID ScrapHeapAlloc_offset(66884); constexpr REL::ID ScrapHeapFree_offset(66885); constexpr REL::ID ScrapHeapDeInit_offset(66891); constexpr REL::ID InitMemoryManager_offset(35202); constexpr REL::ID InitBSSmallBlockAllocator_offset(35201); class MemoryManager { public: void* Alloc(std::size_t a_size, std::uint32_t a_alignment, bool a_aligned); void Free(void* a_memory, bool a_aligned); private: MemoryManager() = delete; ~MemoryManager() = delete; }; class ScrapHeap { public: void* Alloc(std::size_t a_size, std::uint32_t a_alignment); void Free(void* a_memory); private: ScrapHeap() = delete; ~ScrapHeap() = delete; static constexpr std::uint32_t MAX_ALLOC_SIZE = 0x4000000; }; void* proxy_tbbmalloc(std::size_t a_size, std::size_t a_alignment = 0, bool a_aligned = false, bool a_zeroed = false) { if (!a_aligned) { a_alignment = 4; } if (a_size <= 0) { a_size = 1; a_alignment = 2; } // Must be a power of 2, round it up if needed if ((a_alignment & (a_alignment - 1)) != 0) { --a_alignment; a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 1; a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 2; a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 4; a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 8; a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 16; ++a_alignment; } // Size must be a multiple of alignment, round up to nearest if ((a_size % a_alignment) != 0) { a_size = ((a_size + a_alignment - 1) / a_alignment) * a_alignment; } void* ptr = scalable_aligned_malloc(a_size, a_alignment); if (ptr && a_zeroed) { return std::memset(ptr, 0, a_size); } return ptr; } void proxy_tbbfree(void* a_memory) { if (a_memory) { scalable_aligned_free(a_memory); } } // // VS2015 CRT hijacked functions // void* __fastcall hk_calloc(size_t a_count, size_t a_size) { // The allocated memory is always zeroed return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_count * a_size, 0, false, true); } void* __fastcall hk_malloc(size_t a_size) { return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_size); } void* __fastcall hk_aligned_malloc(size_t a_size, size_t a_alignment) { return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_size, a_alignment, true); } void __fastcall hk_free(void* a_block) { proxy_tbbfree(a_block); } void __fastcall hk_aligned_free(void* a_block) { proxy_tbbfree(a_block); } size_t __fastcall hk_msize(void* a_block) { return scalable_msize(a_block); } // // Internal engine heap allocators backed by VirtualAlloc() // void* MemoryManager::Alloc(std::size_t a_size, std::uint32_t a_alignment, bool a_aligned) { return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_size, a_alignment, a_aligned, true); } void MemoryManager::Free(void* a_memory, [[maybe_unused]] bool a_aligned) { proxy_tbbfree(a_memory); } void* ScrapHeap::Alloc(std::size_t a_size, std::uint32_t a_alignment) { if (a_size > MAX_ALLOC_SIZE || a_size < 0) { _WARNING("scrapheap alloc size %d out of default bounds detected", a_size); } return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_size, a_alignment, a_alignment != 0); } void ScrapHeap::Free(void* Memory) { proxy_tbbfree(Memory); } class SafeExit { public: static void Install() { _VMESSAGE("using safe exit"); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> target = REL::ID(35545); auto trampoline = SKSE::GetTrampoline(); trampoline->Write5Call(target.address() + 0x35, Shutdown); // Main::Shutdown } private: static void Shutdown() { _VMESSAGE("executing safe exit"); std::_Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } }; namespace patches { bool PatchMemoryManager() { _VMESSAGE("-- memory manager --"); SafeExit::Install(); _VMESSAGE("enabling OS allocator use"); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> InitMemoryManager(InitMemoryManager_offset); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> InitBSSmallBlockAllocator(InitBSSmallBlockAllocator_offset); SKSE::SafeWrite8(InitMemoryManager.address(), 0xC3); // [3GB] MemoryManager - Default/Static/File heaps SKSE::SafeWrite8(InitBSSmallBlockAllocator.address(), 0xC3); // [1GB] BSSmallBlockAllocator _VMESSAGE("success"); return true; } bool PatchTBBMalloc() { _VMESSAGE("using tbbmalloc"); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> MemoryManagerAlloc(MemoryManagerAlloc_offset); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> MemoryManagerFree(MemoryManagerFree_offset); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> ScrapHeapInit(ScrapHeapInit_offset); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> ScrapHeapAlloc(ScrapHeapAlloc_offset); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> ScrapHeapFree(ScrapHeapFree_offset); REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> ScrapHeapDeInit(ScrapHeapDeInit_offset); SKSE::SafeWrite8(ScrapHeapInit.address(), 0xC3); // [64MB ] ScrapHeap init SKSE::SafeWrite8(ScrapHeapDeInit.address(), 0xC3); // [64MB ] ScrapHeap deinit _VMESSAGE("patching CRT IAT memory functions"); SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_calloc, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "calloc"); SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_malloc, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "malloc"); SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_aligned_malloc, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "_aligned_malloc"); SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_free, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "free"); SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_aligned_free, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "_aligned_free"); SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_msize, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "_msize"); _VMESSAGE("redirecting memory manager alloc and free"); auto trampoline = SKSE::GetTrampoline(); trampoline->Write6Branch(MemoryManagerAlloc.address(), &MemoryManager::Alloc); trampoline->Write6Branch(MemoryManagerFree.address(), &MemoryManager::Free); trampoline->Write6Branch(ScrapHeapAlloc.address(), &ScrapHeap::Alloc); trampoline->Write6Branch(ScrapHeapFree.address(), &ScrapHeap::Free); _VMESSAGE("success"); return true; } } That's the part to be ported but it's above my programming skills. 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