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TBBMalloc for Fallout 4


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I started digging myself and found the source code for the SkyrimSE Engine Fixes https://github.com/aers/EngineFixesSkyrim64

The part for the TBB Library is in the memorymanager.cpp

#include "version.h"

constexpr REL::ID MemoryManagerAlloc_offset(66859);
constexpr REL::ID MemoryManagerFree_offset(66861);
constexpr REL::ID ScrapHeapInit_offset(66882);
constexpr REL::ID ScrapHeapAlloc_offset(66884);
constexpr REL::ID ScrapHeapFree_offset(66885);
constexpr REL::ID ScrapHeapDeInit_offset(66891);
constexpr REL::ID InitMemoryManager_offset(35202);
constexpr REL::ID InitBSSmallBlockAllocator_offset(35201);

class MemoryManager
    void* Alloc(std::size_t a_size, std::uint32_t a_alignment, bool a_aligned);
    void Free(void* a_memory, bool a_aligned);

    MemoryManager() = delete;
    ~MemoryManager() = delete;

class ScrapHeap
    void* Alloc(std::size_t a_size, std::uint32_t a_alignment);
    void Free(void* a_memory);

    ScrapHeap() = delete;
    ~ScrapHeap() = delete;

    static constexpr std::uint32_t MAX_ALLOC_SIZE = 0x4000000;

void* proxy_tbbmalloc(std::size_t a_size, std::size_t a_alignment = 0, bool a_aligned = false, bool a_zeroed = false)
    if (!a_aligned)
        a_alignment = 4;

    if (a_size <= 0)
        a_size = 1;
        a_alignment = 2;

    // Must be a power of 2, round it up if needed
    if ((a_alignment & (a_alignment - 1)) != 0)
        a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 1;
        a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 2;
        a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 4;
        a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 8;
        a_alignment |= a_alignment >> 16;

    // Size must be a multiple of alignment, round up to nearest
    if ((a_size % a_alignment) != 0)
        a_size = ((a_size + a_alignment - 1) / a_alignment) * a_alignment;

    void* ptr = scalable_aligned_malloc(a_size, a_alignment);

    if (ptr && a_zeroed)
        return std::memset(ptr, 0, a_size);

    return ptr;

void proxy_tbbfree(void* a_memory)
    if (a_memory)

// VS2015 CRT hijacked functions
void* __fastcall hk_calloc(size_t a_count, size_t a_size)
    // The allocated memory is always zeroed
    return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_count * a_size, 0, false, true);

void* __fastcall hk_malloc(size_t a_size)
    return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_size);

void* __fastcall hk_aligned_malloc(size_t a_size, size_t a_alignment)
    return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_size, a_alignment, true);

void __fastcall hk_free(void* a_block)

void __fastcall hk_aligned_free(void* a_block)

size_t __fastcall hk_msize(void* a_block)
    return scalable_msize(a_block);

// Internal engine heap allocators backed by VirtualAlloc()
void* MemoryManager::Alloc(std::size_t a_size, std::uint32_t a_alignment, bool a_aligned)
    return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_size, a_alignment, a_aligned, true);

void MemoryManager::Free(void* a_memory, [[maybe_unused]] bool a_aligned)

void* ScrapHeap::Alloc(std::size_t a_size, std::uint32_t a_alignment)
    if (a_size > MAX_ALLOC_SIZE || a_size < 0)
        _WARNING("scrapheap alloc size %d out of default bounds detected", a_size);

    return proxy_tbbmalloc(a_size, a_alignment, a_alignment != 0);

void ScrapHeap::Free(void* Memory)

class SafeExit
    static void Install()
        _VMESSAGE("using safe exit");

        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> target = REL::ID(35545);
        auto trampoline = SKSE::GetTrampoline();
        trampoline->Write5Call(target.address() + 0x35, Shutdown);  // Main::Shutdown

    static void Shutdown()
        _VMESSAGE("executing safe exit");


namespace patches
    bool PatchMemoryManager()
        _VMESSAGE("-- memory manager --");


        _VMESSAGE("enabling OS allocator use");

        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> InitMemoryManager(InitMemoryManager_offset);
        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> InitBSSmallBlockAllocator(InitBSSmallBlockAllocator_offset);

        SKSE::SafeWrite8(InitMemoryManager.address(), 0xC3);          // [3GB] MemoryManager - Default/Static/File heaps
        SKSE::SafeWrite8(InitBSSmallBlockAllocator.address(), 0xC3);  // [1GB] BSSmallBlockAllocator


        return true;

    bool PatchTBBMalloc()
        _VMESSAGE("using tbbmalloc");

        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> MemoryManagerAlloc(MemoryManagerAlloc_offset);
        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> MemoryManagerFree(MemoryManagerFree_offset);
        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> ScrapHeapInit(ScrapHeapInit_offset);
        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> ScrapHeapAlloc(ScrapHeapAlloc_offset);
        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> ScrapHeapFree(ScrapHeapFree_offset);
        REL::Offset<std::uintptr_t> ScrapHeapDeInit(ScrapHeapDeInit_offset);

        SKSE::SafeWrite8(ScrapHeapInit.address(), 0xC3);    // [64MB ] ScrapHeap init
        SKSE::SafeWrite8(ScrapHeapDeInit.address(), 0xC3);  // [64MB ] ScrapHeap deinit

        _VMESSAGE("patching CRT IAT memory functions");
        SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_calloc, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "calloc");
        SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_malloc, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "malloc");
        SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_aligned_malloc, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "_aligned_malloc");
        SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_free, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "free");
        SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_aligned_free, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "_aligned_free");
        SKSE::PatchIAT(hk_msize, "API-MS-WIN-CRT-HEAP-L1-1-0.DLL", "_msize");

        _VMESSAGE("redirecting memory manager alloc and free");
        auto trampoline = SKSE::GetTrampoline();
        trampoline->Write6Branch(MemoryManagerAlloc.address(), &MemoryManager::Alloc);
        trampoline->Write6Branch(MemoryManagerFree.address(), &MemoryManager::Free);
        trampoline->Write6Branch(ScrapHeapAlloc.address(), &ScrapHeap::Alloc);
        trampoline->Write6Branch(ScrapHeapFree.address(), &ScrapHeap::Free);


        return true;

That's the part to be ported but it's above my programming skills.

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