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MPAM_PAMAP - FO4Edit - In Instance Naming Rules a lot of errors.


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I need a little support, because I'm not a pro when it comes to mods. I am currently optimizing a patch mod for Powerarmors. This is the compatibility mod "MPAM_PAMAP. This is the patch between the mod "MPAM (More Power Armor Mods)" and "PAMAP (Power Armor Materials and Paints)". You can find the compatibility mod "MPAM_PAMAP" under the downloads of PAMAP.

Now I come to my problem. If I look at these three mods under FOEdit in the category "Instance Naming Rules", I only see red - a lot of errors. But in the game it seems to work.

Is it a problem for the game when the Instance Naming Rules go wild?

The compatibility mod "MPAM_PAMAP is the last mod in the loading order of the four mods.

Edited by Vorlod
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