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Aggro Radius Behavior?


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Hello everyone,

In my Fallout 3 game I noticed lately when I approach a NPC that has an aggro radius, they warn me to back off and they say "Ok thats Close enough" or something but then they draw their weapon they immediately put it away but then they draw it again. :huh:


Here is a video,




It is very weird but is there a way to fix this? :confused:



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DrPepper715 - Hello!


Can't see any link to a video. :)


Anyway, is this happening on your mod added NPC's?


It could be that you're in the same or associated faction as the affected NPC's, they will not attack friends or allies.


Entering within an NPC's Aggro Radius means they will attack but only Neutral or Enemy factions.


Their Confidence will also play a part in their willingness to attack.


This pages covers it in detail:




If you meant just NPC's in general within other mods have suddenly started odd behaviour, check to see if you've added any mods altering NPC AI or Factions.


Hope this helps!



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