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Select Enchantment -CTD


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Hi all i have recently found a problem with my game, every time i try to select and enchantment the game will CTD. No errors or anything it will just close down.


I do run mods but i have tried running the game without mods and the same thing still happens.


It happens on any enchantment.


This is the first time my game has had this particular bug, i have never had this issue before with or without mods.


thanks for any help.

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Are you saying that you are paying on a game that has no mods installed, and never has? (If so, wondering why you would post on the nexus?)

If you are running a game that used to have mods installed, but you removed or disabled them, then orphaned scripts are a good candidate for you problem.

You could try the steam verify cache thing; if that doesn't work you could also try meticulously re-activating all the mods you used to have exactly according to the mod author's instructions, then just as meticulously uninstalling them completely exactly as instructed by the mod author. That sometimes can take care of orphaned scripts, if they were caused by an incomplete removal.


The more drastic but ofen necessary remedy would be a complete game removal/reinstallation, then starting a new character/game (old savegames can reintroduce the problem...) and slowly adding mods a few at a time, running BOSS and playing to make sure it's working properly before adding more.


Those are my suggestions, anyway. Good luck.

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Are you saying that you are paying on a game that has no mods installed, and never has? (If so, wondering why you would post on the nexus?)

If you are running a game that used to have mods installed, but you removed or disabled them, then orphaned scripts are a good candidate for you problem.

You could try the steam verify cache thing; if that doesn't work you could also try meticulously re-activating all the mods you used to have exactly according to the mod author's instructions, then just as meticulously uninstalling them completely exactly as instructed by the mod author. That sometimes can take care of orphaned scripts, if they were caused by an incomplete removal.


The more drastic but ofen necessary remedy would be a complete game removal/reinstallation, then starting a new character/game (old savegames can reintroduce the problem...) and slowly adding mods a few at a time, running BOSS and playing to make sure it's working properly before adding more.


Those are my suggestions, anyway. Good luck.


No i do run the game with mods but have tried uninstalling them and running vanilla to see if this fixed the problem. It did not.


Re installing is not a problem i keep a fully vanilla backup of the game as my net is slow and didn't want to have to dl from steam every-time i had to re install.


Ill reinstall, i am currently running 4 mods which change enchanting. Enchanting Rebalance, Artifact disenchanting for Dawngaurd and Vanilla, and an "enchanting freedom" which removes the restrictions on armor/clothing in regard to what enchantments it can/cannot have on them. I used these together before with no issues but i may have gotten lucky before.

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I found the problem, it was being caused by the Uncapper mod. Although im not sure what mod the Uncapper is in conflict with, the strange thing is that even with all other mods disabled the bug still occurs. So strange.



Update/Edit - so it seems that the problem was being caused by the Uncappers

"bUseSkillFormulaCaps =1" turning this off remove the problems even with all mods re-enabled.


I can only think that it was conflicting with one of the Enchanting mods i have installed.

"Artifact Disenchanting - Dawngaurd"

"Artifact Disenchanting"


"EzE Enchanting Freedom"


I suspect it was "EnchantingReblanced" as this makes changes to the %increases in the Enchanting Perk Tree. just a guess though really.


Also even when the mods were disabled something in my save game must have been messing up the uncapper, owing to the fact the save contains infomation from the different enchanting mods?... maybe.

Edited by thunderbug
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  • 4 weeks later...

Not to necro a slightly old-ish thread, but I just wanted to for documentation's sake that thunderbug's fix fixed my CTD issue as well, and the only mods I use that modify enchanting are Enchanting Freedom, and I think SkyRe (I'm fairly certain it modifies enchanting somewhat). So thanks a ton!

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