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Would like some assitance over Skype Call


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I need someone to help me figure out how to:

-Edit weapon and armor mods for altering crafting recipes and damage/armor values.

-Combine mods that alter the level lists like Immerse Weapons and Heavy Armory for example.

-Maybe attempt to remove some dirty edits to more important mods.

-And how to make a few decent follower.


I'm getting my skyrim ready for a playthrough, I am currently going through and updating/or/deleting around 400 mods. obviously i can't use all of them, but there are a few I want to be able to work greatly together and I am seeking assistance on doing a few of these things.


If you are interested in assisting me, pm me with your skype name.


Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...

While I can't help you out over Skype, I can recommend you read through / watch as many tutorials as you can stomach for Tes5Edit. For merging and cleaning this is the most powerful tool you can get your hands on. You could use it for your first item too, though that might be more straightforward in the CK itself. For your last item, you just need the CK itself.


Tes5Edit isn't that tough to learn if you're already pretty familiar with Skyrim in general. Being able to drag-drop values between ESP's and colorize / filter for diff's makes this tool pretty much a must-have for the kind of work you're looking to do.

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