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Skyrim MASTER Difficulty - Come in and enjoy the ride!


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Get Vilja companion mod very nice follower. (She's custom voiced, has her own quests, you can spar with her, romance her, quest based and location based dialogue etc. etc.)



Also get Chesko's Frostfall. It'll make you think twice about going into to freezing territories with no proper preparation.


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A few of my personal favorites


this is a reoutfitting of the legion. Looks much better



Deadly dragons if you like fighting difficult dragons(i personally do). I use the lore friendly version myself, but it's up to you if you want the extra dragon types.



if you like vampire or end up as a vampire at some point



and for werewolves



I just got this one, but been enjoying it. Adds locational damage



Armor and weapons





This one's my own personal armor I made. Not nearly the greatest armor set out there and it's really just a retexture, but I enjoy it. Figured I suggest it if your interested.

It's an imperial armor though, only watch a little so far so not sure where you stand.



and some city expansions




Don't just go downloading anything just because I suggested it however. Look at it all, read it and see if it will improve the game for you. It's better not to remove something mid game as they can cause some problems with your save as they'll leave behind some data and such in the save itself. I've got quiet a lot of mods and I'm sure I've forgotten a few great ones, so you should look around the nexus and see what suits your fancy. Good luck with your lets play.

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