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Adding Shouts to custom Follower


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I've created a custom follower using CK, 2h warrior named Adlar




everything works fine! I want him to shout, like Ulfric( he can use Unrelenting Force).

I've searched google but couldnt find concrete results, so can anyone help me out?


I just want him to use Unrelenting Force (level 3 as in ''Fus" ''Roh" ''Da'') and Yol Tor Shul (level 3 as in ''yol'' ''tor'' ''shul'') nothing complicated like whirlwind sprint or anything...


So any help? Tutorial? Please?


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I'd say its not related to classes.


Via class you can determine what's the MOST used skill/weapon type by NPC.


Destruction, conjuration, illusion, one handed and so on. But shouting is not on the list.

... Forget the list- -- ... *Ahem* I mean,


I think it might be as simple as giving the actor some shouts. Recharge times should work just as they work on player, draugrs and so on.


But I could believe AI lacks the knowledge of how to use more "complicated" shouts. Like Become Ethereal, Whirlwind Sprint and so on.

Though, nobody has probably tried.


Now that I think of it.. Maybe mod that adds more shouts to NPC's. (Draugrs, Ulfric, Greybeards), would be quite nice.



Anyway, it shouldn't be too hard.

It's whole different thing if AI wants to use the shouts.

Maybe check the class that Draugrs use? Just in case there's something related to shouts there.

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Hey the class doesn't matter I don't think cause I've made a follower who was a vampire and she was able to shout. What you have to do is go to skills in the actor menu of your follower and add the GreybeardshoutUnrelenting (or something like that) For followers to shout they need to use the greybeard shouts as skills. I hope this helps.
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Hey the class doesn't matter I don't think cause I've made a follower who was a vampire and she was able to shout. What you have to do is go to skills in the actor menu of your follower and add the GreybeardshoutUnrelenting (or something like that) For followers to shout they need to use the greybeard shouts as skills. I hope this helps.



hmm. That sounds just about right. Thanks! I'll try and post results ASAP :thumbsup:

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Thanks All! :D

I finally managed to do it and after a bit of tweaking and play-testing, have decided to make a mod (custom follower) of out it which should be out soon!


If anyone wants a tutorial of adding shouts to NPCs; Here's what I did :-


1.< In the NPC's actor window, select the SpellList tab


2.< Under Spells right click ''new'' and add desired shouts (not unreasonable ones such as WhilrwindSprint etc)


3.< In this example, I added ''FireBreathShout'' and ''UnrelentingForceShout''


4.< You can save and play at this point, but the NPC will favor one of those shouts, to correct that, follow above steps and right click once more in the spells section and add ''GreybeardsYolAbility'' and ''GreybeardsFusAbility'' respectively


5.< after that rightclick on ''GreybeardsFusAbility'' and click ''edit''


6.< a window opens up, don't tweak anything and uncheck the ''auto-calculate'' box, then in the ''charge time'' tab type in this value ''10.0'' and press OK


7.< then again rightclick on ''GreyBeardsYolAbility'' and follow the same steps, only changing the ''charge time'' value to ''15.0'', press OK


8.< Steps 4,5,6,7 add a little balance to the character's shouting ability ( you dont want him to shout every 2 seconds in combat, do you?! :tongue: )


9.< Lastly, and most importantly in the ''Perks'' section of the SpellList tab, right-click and then click on ''add'', in the ''filter'' type ''allow'', this gives you an option ''AllowShoutingPerk'', click on it once and press Ok.


10.< And thats it! :dance: Save your work and Make any NPC/Custom Follower shout in combat, just like a true Dragonborn! Thats it for the tutorial, enjoy! :thumbsup:

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Sorry to drag this back up but I am wondering if this works?

I've had a custom follower I have had for some time that I am remaking. She originally was suppossed to Shout but never did.

I've added all of the above plus the Spells for Force 1-3



When I test her if it works correctly I will make a short video tutorial on it

For anyone who wants to make a Standalone Follower btw

Take the time to watch the following Video Tutorial

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  • 5 months later...

Topic rebirth i know.


This comment is for anybody whom needs it, and i didnt feel like making a new topic, as this one is the first to pop up on google


But under perks, there is "allowshoutingperk"


Click it and add your shout via spells

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