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I have been looking for some companions to form up a combat team like if someone could make some companions as in one mod to where they are a combat team you have to recruit I did tried out the halo mod version but I just want a normal special forces combat team but mixed with male and female anyways I have yet to find any all there is single companions that you have to search for but anyways just wondering if this can be done thanks and god speed.



P.S. I hope everyone is safe and sound and healthy god bless.

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Try using Amazing Follower Tweaks. Recruit your favorite followers (AFT can handle up to 5 of them) and then kit them out with your favorite gear. You want to create a Brotherhood of Steel "fire team" where they all have power armor and mini-guns? Done. You want to set up a Minuteman Ranger team with modern weapons? Done. (Don't forget to download and install the weapons separately). The choice is really yours on your team composition (who) and what their load out looks like (which weapons and armor they are carrying).

AFT also allows you to change things like where the actors default home is (where they go when you dismiss them), what their default equipment is, and a whole lot more.

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AFT is an excellent mod, works best if it is sole companion mod,

get the FMin virus cure load it before AFT if you need to change the looks of some characters.

AFT should be at very end, *Really*.


Otherwise, you are probably looking for FCOM which is tempting to me even, just not at all my current play-style.

There are several "packs" for FCOM as well.

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