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KEVIN465M0RAN banned.

Upload of a mod compilation 20 July 2020, 7:28 PM containing mods by another author knowingly redistributed without providing the original author’s permission and without providing the original author's sub licence that allows the uploader to give further permissions for modification , use and and earning donations points for use of the original author's assets in the file (declared as “my assets”).

The original author has generally prohibited any use etc. of her/his mods/files in her/his "Permission and credits/Credits and distribution permission" and has not given pertaining permissions either in her/his mod descriptions under "Licensing/Legal".

Uploader's mod description (excerpt)

Firstly. i did not create these, Weijiesen did. i simply compiled all the armors into one ZIP file to make them more quick to download (so you don't need to download nine separate files

Ignoring requirements for use and uploading others' assets on the site

The uploader was aware that obtaining permissions from the original authors or right holders is required before redistributing their work/assets/copyright protected contents on the site as s/he had been issued

  • an Informal Warning 22 May 2020, 2:13 PM for uploading/redistributing another author’s mod/assets without permission (and additionally informed in a personal messenger conversation 22 May 2020 - 12:04 PM)


  • a Formal Warning for uploading/redistributing copyright protected content without the right holder’s permission.




Mod compilation/mods concerned

Gauss DX, Tesla DX, Hellfire DX (Cinder), Tribal DX, Enclave DX (T Variant), Winterized DX, T51b DX, Outcast DX and BOS DX by weijiesen

File pending removal: DX Series Armor Compilation

Further files associated with the user’s account

There are currently over 350 mods for over 70 games associated with the user’s account, uploaded between 29 Jul 2017 - 16 Jul 2020. The pertaining files are being reviewed and will most likely be removed as well.

From Nexus Support/Help/Policies and Guidelines/File Submission Guidelines (excerpt)

Usage and Accreditation
User submissions which include copyrighted content, be it game files or images, are prohibited unless proper permission has been granted by the property owner or appropriate representation. Such content may be removed from Nexus Mods websites and services and the infringing user account might be subject to administrative action as described in our Moderation Policy.
Submissions must conform to the following guidelines:

• Submission of existing user-submitted content without obtaining permission from the original author(s) of said content is strictly prohibited.
• Proper credit to the original author(s) must be given unless the author(s) has/have specified that credit is not necessary. Please, be aware that the mere accreditation of an author is no substitute for receiving explicit permission to upload or modify someone else’s content.
• The uploader is responsible for understanding the legalities involved when using copyrighted work and submissions that contain such content may be removed.
• Compilations must provide functionality beyond repackaging. In other words, an acceptable compilation must be "more than the sum of its parts".

Distribution Permissions in Relation to other Users
If the author has not provided any permission information at all - you should assume that you must request permission from the author.

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