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Making companions more intelligents?.


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Hello guys.

I'm writing this because i'm just frustated to see companions dying every time i'm in combat. Basically the follower try to get close to them without cover including when i have the long range weapons activate on him. Is there anything on the GECK that allow them flee/take cover or make distances when he is in danger?. The only way i knows its make him essential but i don't like that and whatever i play in hardcore.


Basically, i want to know if there is a tutorial to make companions(custom ones) a little more tactiful and less like a "dog" following you.


Thanks a lot!.

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I might be wrong but I think you can adjust how the followers / companions act during combat by tweaking the AI DATA in the character edit in GECK. under AI Data in AI Attributes you could probably tweak the CONFIDENCE tab to something like cautious or cowardly, as compared to average, brave and foolhardy. Cowardly would make them run away and return when it's safe (I think they return) and cautious might make them take the distance or cover you are looking for. You might also try tweaking the AGRESSION tab ,the options are unagressive, agressive, very agressive and frenzied (frenzied will make them kill anything they see I think, and unagressive I doubt they help you). That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure someone else can think of a better or different method.
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