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placeable Fireworks (continuously fires, lots of features). [PLEASE L


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[this is my first post... please disregard the screwed up title I cant change it :/]


Please do read on, I have a lot of features to this idea that I would like to point out on this mod that would really make it stand out uniquely!


So I was looking for a fireworks mod and was baffled that I could not find one. Though I wish so badly that I were a modder so that I could make this myself... I am not :(. So alas, I bring my plan to here in hopes that people like this idea as much as I do. I am TOTALLY up for criticism, and any improvements I could make to the overall idea to the plan, and I will make changes accordingly as I see weather it has a high level of agreeance from others or if I find it just righteously fit. I also try to take into consideration if something is just plainly impossible or too time consuming for a modder, but the idea should also have endless features should anyone who decides to pick this idea up, modd it, and continuously update and add to it! So keep that in mind! PLEASE leave suggestion, (friendly) criticism, and tell weather you support this idea or not! If you do, try to get other modders to read this and spread the word!





Now, the biggest feature I would like to point out is you could be able to set up a stationary area for fireworks to shoot out at continuously! Now, the station its self should its self have MANY features, such as;

(as a note, it could be some kind of dwemer-looking device/mechanism for the lore!)


*The type(s) of fireworks that could be shot out of it, or some way of selecting which types of fireworks that will be shot out and even a randomize of some sort.


*Frequency variable. (a firework will deploy from this station every ___ to ___ seconds)


*Area variable, so that fireworks don't always explode in the exact same spot, making it look unreal. This would be the X and Y axis (left/right/forward/backward) range of where the fireworks blow up, the station below it being the middle point, (ignoring the Z axis, which is up and down). Now, I know what you all are thinking, this might be impossible, well that's fine, I think it is too. I'm hoping a brilliant mind can either do it or find a way around this obstacle! If a variable randomization of the X & Y axis of where exactly the firework "explodes" cannot be done, I would still highly suggest mapping out a few locations as to where exactly they explode in comparison to where the station below is at, because if the fireworks keep exploding in the exact same area it would begin to look extremely ... disheartening and unreal.


*Now, in contradiction to the last feature, this one actually sounds very doable, in my humble yet ignorant opinion, as I am no modder, I do not know for sure. This variable could seek to randomize level the firework will explode on the Z (up and down) axis. (from ___ to ___ units of the Z axis)


*Chosable fireworks to shoot off, as well as a randomizer of which types of firework would go.


****of course, all of the above would (to my understanding) be possibly the hardest part, if not the ability to CUSTOMLY randomize where the fireworks explode, at least make some kind of DEFAULT randomization as to where the fireworks may explode.





Other Features:

*Ability to shoot the fireworks via spell. And even keep it as a spell animation for Lore-Friendly Content :).

*smoke bomb (drop, with the options to either pick up or light) [No spell or station]

*firecrackers (iunno how one would do this, but when it blows up it could just be a fire radius spell -explosion- or something) [No spell or station]

*pops... so you can throw them at NPC's and tick them off :)... but, I don't know if it'd be possible to do. [No spell or Station]

*firework stand, where you can obtain the fireworks at.

*fountains, with lots of sparkle affects and such, should include a fountain height variable if possible, or rather, if the fountain is possible at all [station only]

*sparkler bomb?...... [.....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!^$*@)^%(*# ! ! ! ! ]


Again, I'm not sure how able any modder would be to do any such aspect of things mentioned above, but there is also a difference between "hard to do" and "impossible" so keep that in mind in regards to commenting on modding ability! I would prefer to leave all ideas (even the hard ones) up for those modders who are brilliant but will remove any that I find to be near-impossible or impossible through all of your comments. I would definitely like to say that there is no pressure on any modder to have EVERY SINGLE DETAIL if you decide to do this. In fact, hell, its your mod, you do whatever you please with it. I would personally be MORE than happy for even a half-assed mod for this haha :D. If anyone could tell me things to add, remove, tweak, or whatever... PLEASE SAY SO! Thank you, I hope this stays around and is looked at!

Edited by LordBluBlood
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