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Crossair help?


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Alright, I downloaded some mods and stuff, and everything was fine. Until about five days ago when I opened up Far Cry 3 and grabbed a Sniper and aimed down the sight. I was horrified at what I saw. I got a different sniper. Same thing. There was no crossair. NOTHING. The scope zoomed in fine, bought other scopes and it still did not work. I have reinstalled the vanila .fat files and such and there is still no crossair. REALLY hard to aim. I had to resort to putting a cut sticky note roughly in the center, and it still is not accurate, and the dot is driving me crazy. Any help? :confused: :ohdear:
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  • 1 year later...

Not sure if this will help, but for a start you might find that the crosshairs are not visible in DX9 mode but are there aok in DX11.


The way to ensure you're in DX11 mode is to run the game using "farcry3_dx11.exe" in the game folder - ie. instead of the default launcher.


Another thing to try in DX9 mode to get crosshairs working is set the Letterbox mode in the game's video options menu to the opposite of whatever it's at when you don't have crosshairs.


EDIT: sorry, the other info I had here about MSAA was wrong - apologies if anyone already tried the removed info about MSAA etc. and it didn't work - here is clearer and more accurate info:


In my case I found that trying to apply antialiasing via the nvidia control panel game profiles (3d settings) makes the crosshairs disappear in DX9 mode (they're fine in DX11 mode). You need to set antialiasing to Enhance App setting or Off - if you force it On then you'll lose the sights. I'm not sure if Enhance App loses antialiasing. I personally also set gamma correction to On, and FXAA to On and the game looks quite nice - tho lighting transitions aren't as good as DX11 and there are minor shadowbox issues in DX9 that aren't there in DX11.


Back to the other stuff about MSAA - there can be a decent improvement in game performance by properly disabling MSAA - but to do that you need to edit the gamerprofile.xml file. Anyone wanting to try disabling MSAA just google "disable MSAA in Far Cry 3" for info how to do that. I had mistakenly thought disabling MSAA in the game and enabling FXAA via the Nvidia control panel was what had given me back my crosshairs.

Edited by Radic
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  • 1 year later...
Turn the letter box on ir off that should do.
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