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Mixed races.


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Hi everyone,


I wanted to know if a modder is interested at making mixed races for characters and if possible for children too.

We know the gray prince : Agronak gro-Malog from Oblivion, who was imperial + orc.


But in the Elder Scrolls, the mixed take the race of the mother, so the grey prince was mostly...an orc.




So I wonder if it's possible to do better mixed, that they can take from both their parents.

For example, the argonian + elf mixed in the realm of Sheogorath (not in games,only in the books)

Can be an elf (dunmer perhaps) with argonian eyes and some scales (not full body);

Or with the gray prince, to have more human parts, that we'll see he is mixed.

Same for imperial and tsaecis, dark toned skin + some golden scales with serpent eyes.


What do you think about it ?

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