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Scrit Request


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I don't know how feasable this is but could someone make a script for me?


What i want is a script that when the player tries to open (activate) a locked door/chest/object anywhere in the game then a message box thing that asks if you want to break the lock comes up and when you choose yes it checks the lock level and the charecters strength, if strength is equal to or greater then the lock level it becoms unlocked and a message saying something like "you broke the lock" or something like that appears.


then i could really enjoy playing as orc or nord and wouldent have to bother with lockpicks or magic i could just bust it with my shear strength


*visualized big orc looking at lock, then pulling out warhammer and smashing it*

of course it should still have the effects of trying to pick a lock crime wise that being that if your noticed doing it people call the guards and such.

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That might be hard to do based on lock level, because the lock level is not a variable, it is a static setting. If the PC's Strenght is 70+, it would be easy to script. You might even want to elimenate the messagebox that asks if you want to break the lock-- it slows down gameplay. If you wanted this lock-breaking script on every chest, you would have to add it to every chest- meticulous work.


Start Lock_Break



On [AiActivate==1]

if "player"->GetStrength <_ 50

MessageBox, "You broke the lock"




End Lock_Break


Try that.

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do i have to attach that to every locked chest/door/object?


Im not worried about a script slowing my system down ive got resources to spare


1.67 GHZ


Geforce4 Ti 4200

4GB VirtualMemory


Its kinda funny the only time my game slows down is when i get really close to a big texture but i think that has alot to do with anti-aliasing.

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