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Mod Request: Plant all/Clear all planters.


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I like to use the garden planters to grow alchemy ingredients but it takes forever to plant them all and to clear out what was in there before. Hoping someone can make a mod or point me to one that can plant all/clear all with a single click.


Would be great if it were compatible with Legacy of the Dragonborn as the safe-house from that mod is my primary homestead.

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Or just to keep picking plots while in inventory view. It's really annoying how many steps you have to do pick lot, choose item, wait for modal box, click ok, EXIT inventory view, choose new plot.. do it all over again.


I have a combined number of plots that (easily) exceeds 300 from my various player homes. And of course, every time I get to around level 60, the game gets updated and I lose all my progress due to embedded values from now functionally defunct SKSE64 dependent mods in the save files, resulting in having to replant entire new gardens over and over again.

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