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[REQ] Proper sun mod/ day night cycle mod


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Yeah, just noticed this a month or so ago been busy since, is there a mod possible to stop the sun from setting and rising whenever you "move"? it was really weird, i was gambling in the day and must of been there for ages and step outside its still day...so i walked around a bit and all of a sudden i see the sun setting really fast so i stop to go "ugh what?" but when i do im like "wtf?!" the sun stopped setting...it was just, looking at me so i moved forward again, set a bit more, moved backwards, set more, until eventually making it back to camp it was night time :S, how bizzare...


So, any way to possibly mod this? Love the game otherwise, this was just a weird one not seen it mentioned even in reviews so, guess people havent noticed or just dont care lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It might be controlled in a lua file and as such someone may decipher it at some point. Currently though no the world space has a strange lag where it waits to update under certain conditions which apparently is NOT while the player is walking around. I think the TIME is correct it's just the sky box is not updating correctly. Maybe it was too much overhead or an odd choice by the programmers, but yeah it's all very weird when you notice it.


Try an experiment - wait until a full moon and then look up at it. Wait for a long time (4 -5 minutes, maybe less... well it seems like a long time to me LOL) without touching the controls at all. Eventually the moon starts moving across the sky like a screen saver kicking in on a computer.


The way time is handled in the game (faster nights, accelerates while in vehicles, jumps during fast travel, etc.) makes things... odd and difficult to work around. I don't care for it much either.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey there, I found a method, to slow down the timescale.

You have to unpack the patch.dat with Gibbed Dunia 2 (mod tool for Far Cry 3). If you don't know how, then take a look at following link:

In the unpacked folder go to domino/system and open the "lockedcontentcheck.lua" with the notepad or wordpad.

Look for the entry "SetTimeScale". You can set "SetTimeScale" from 0 to whatever. If you set it to "SetTimeScale(100.0)" a whole day does nearly take 16-18 seconds.

I set the timescale to 0.125 so one day takes nearly 4 hours (not quietly sure). I experienced a very slow moon in the nightsky/very slow sun at daytime and not that vanilla time lapsed thingy.

I think, the file gets activated after the first outpost is cleared.

After you have finished, save your changes, pack the patch folder with the Gibbed Dunia 2 mod tool and overwrite the existing patch.dat/fat files.

Have fun Edited by CymanPhoenix
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  • 3 months later...

Could you tell us how you found the timescale entry? Cause with the latest patch tge lockedcontentcheck.lua is not there anymore in patch.dat. Neither does it exist in the common.dat

In other words nowhere in the common or patch files can I find an xml file that dictates the timescale other than the default setting of 1. (And changing that doesn't affect the game, tested it)


I've been trying for several hours now but can't seem to find a way to change the timescale anymore. Which unfortunately forces me to play with very short nights.



Edit: Wow after a few more searches and tries I think I found it:

- I unpacked patch.dat

- Opened fc3_master.chapter01.lua (the only .lua file with a timescale entry in it)

- Changed line 117 10.timeScale = 1 to 10.timescale = 0.25 (so the time in the game goes with 25% of the speed of vanilla)

- Tested it by checking the movement of the shadows while moving yourself (either physical movement or looking makes the time go forward) and noticed a significant reduction in shadow movement


So I'd say it works.

Edited by DaniWes
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