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PositionCell Scripting Problem


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Hey guys,


I'm new to scripting, and I've started a pretty massive mod. I read a lot of documentation on scripts, and I was doing fairly well. But, I've hit a snag.


My problem: I have an NPC set up to disable, change location, and then enable. All of this over a 3-day time period. It's a global script triggered by a dialogue result and is self-terminating.


This is what happens: The NPC (located in an exterior Seyda Neen cell) adheres to the timer and disables after 40 seconds. At that point, the NPC SHOULD transport to the new location (the tavern in Pelagiad). Three days later (using a day counter script), the NPC SHOULD enable in the new location and the script terminates. However, if the player is in the same cell (the tavern), the NPC will not enable. Can anyone tell me why this happens and/or how to fix it? Thanx in advance, guys.



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Ok. I tried that, and it didn't seem to work. I'm copying the script in here for perusal. Let me know if I've screwed something up or if anyone has a suggestion.


begin GCVC_pelagiadtrans


short dayspassed

short today

short state

float timer

short timerstart


set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed )


if ( timer > 20 )

set timerstart to 1

set timer to 0



if ( today != Day )

set today to Day

set dayspassed to ( dayspassed + 1 )



if ( timerstart == 1 )

disable GCVC_Aerana_Burador



if ( dayspassed >= 3 )

enable GCVC_Aerana_Burador

GCVC_Aerana_Burador -> PositionCell, 228, -96, 257, 90, "Pelagiad, Halfway Tavern"

set state to 1



if ( state == 1 )

stopscript GCVC_pelagiadtrans




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