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7 Days To Die

Searching for a solution that zombies dont destroy the landscape


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Hi everyone,


i am searching for a mod or any other solution for that:


Is there any way to let the zombies not destroy the landscape (ground, mountains etc.)?

Maybe there is no mod so far or i couldn't find it.

Or is there any other possibility to adjust this about config-files?

But it's necessary, that no other blocks are affected. It's only for to let the landscape leave it as it is.


Thanks for helping!


I hope my english is good enough, so you can understand my question :)






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  • 2 weeks later...

If they dig or explode the landscape suffers. You are able to repair the ground but rebuilding a mountain might be too much to expect. I don't know of an ini setting that would let you dig but not the zeds. Sorries, I'm not a programmer

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