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How to activate installed mod?


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Hi there, sorry for the noob question.

There's something I don't really get.


I've downloaded a few mods but they don't seem to be working.

One example is this;




I've followed this instruction;


(Mine is installed through C: Program Files)


I actually did the 'manual installation' where

I just copy/paste it into the skyrim Data file as it overwrites

and I assume that it is already installed.


Problem is, I don't think it's activated.

Like for the dynasty armor, it says;


c. Open the console (using the tilde key [~]) and type "help dynasty 0" (without quotes) and press enter.

You will see the console output with the various IDs for the armor and should look like multiple lines of this:

ARMO: (020087A0) 'Dynasty Cuirass'. The ID inside the parentheses will not be the same for everyone.

This ID can then be used to obtain the armor like this in the console (without quotes): "player.additem 020087A0 1".

Do this for every Dynasty Armor you want.


player.additem XX0087A0 1 => Dynasty Cuirass

player.additem XX0087A1 1 => Dynasty Boots

player.additem XX0087A2 1 => Dynasty Gauntlets

player.additem XX0087A3 1 => Dynasty Chainmail Cuirass


But when I type "help dynasty 0", it just says;

--Console Commands----------------

--Script Functions-------------------

--Viewer Strings Not Available--------------------

--Global Variables-------------------

---Other Forms--------------------

usage: help <matchstring> <filter>

filters: 0-all 1-functions 2-settings 3-globals 4-other forms


Also, in the read me, there's 1 instruction I don't follow;

3. Ensure that the Dynasty Armor.esp is checked in Skyrim launchers Data files, and then launch the game.


How on earth do you do this??????

I've right click property the skyrim launcher.exe and set to launch as administrator.

When it launches, the 'data files' is blanked out, I cant select it at all.

Can someone help me with this?

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You have to go into your Documents/My games/Skyrim/Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files and add the line bEnableFileSelection=1 to both.

If that doesn't work follow the youtube guys next video.


The video just shows skyrimprefs.ini

must you add the line in skyrim.ini as well?

(and if the answer is yes, where?)

Edited by Stalvros
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There are 2 copies of the SkyrimPrefs.ini - DO NOT change the one in the game folder. Repeat - DO NOT! :whistling:


The one you do change is (default path) C:\Users\your user name\my Documents\My games\Skyrim\Skyrimprefs.ini

When you find it, make a shortcut as you will likely be looking for it again for other changes to the game. :thumbsup:


Before making any changes to the ini files make back ups - make a copy somewhere else or give them a new name - such as SkyrimPrefs.original. Then save the changed version as SkyrimPrefs.ini - that way you can always go back and use the original if there is a problem.


More info here - look in 'data files greyed out' under the Skyrim part



The reason to not change the one in the game folder is It will not do anything to make your mods work, and it is used to build the other one. If there is ever a problem that requires the ini to be rebuilt, and you have changed something important - it will crash and fail - you will not be able to start the game at all. Until you uninstall everything and reinstall from scratch - bringing you back to the same problem again.

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