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.esp file is selected/activated, but not loading in-game


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I have disc version of Skyrim installed on my modest PC, and have been 'playing' with several user create mods from Nexus for some time now. I recently "acquired" a copy of the creation kit, and have since been 'playing' with it.


I ran into trouble the first time I tried to test my .esp in-game. I use NMM for all things Skyrim, and it says my .esp file is active and being loaded ( i load it last to ensure no conflicts). I press 'Launch Skyrim' button (as I always do) and game start screen loads as it should. AGAIN, under "Data Files" menu my .esp file is checked/selected and appears no different than any of the other mods i have been running successfully for some time now. The problem occurs when I attempt to access the new interior area I created. I placed a COC Marker in the new area, as well as linking a new door in the world to the entry door of my new area, but I cannot 'coc' to it, and the door I added to the world is not there.


It certainly appears to me that the .esp file never gets loaded, despite being activated/selected in both NMM and Game Start Screen Data Files. As I have been successfully downloading/installing/using mods from Nexus, i don't think this is being caused by CK/disc-version mismatch. If anyone has any ideas how to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate any useful feedback.


* To anyone who may feel inclined to rant about my non-Steam CK, I paid full retail for the game, and CK is free anyway.

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I am unsure how mod version is determined, but all content came from current skyrim.esm data. I have never had any (game-breaking) issues, so never bothered to update. I played a lot with GECK for FO3 (unpatched disc ver.), but never had to jump through this many hoops...


Thank you for the insight Shadowjin. Any help on how to connect non-steam Skyrim to Steam is also appreciated. I signed up for a Steam account, but am told (by Steam's website) that when linking a game to my steam library, the updates for that game cannot be accessed through Steam...



Why oh why Bethesda, did you only release the CK on Steam?!?!?


Banned for use of pirated software - TVD.

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