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Pink Textures


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Hi everyone.


I have a huge problem with the textures.

Its a clean install.

I already tried with all patches what i can get but still same issue.

I also tried the fakepatch too


My system specs are

CPU =Intel E3200 Wolfdale-2M



HD= 500 GB HDD

GPU= Geforce 250 GTS

OS = Windows 7 x86


Its the GOTY-Edition.




Thanks for Help

Best Regards


Edited by TheChris80
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TheChris80 - Hello!


That pink color means a missing texture.


What exactly is that you've paused on that's missing it's texture (pink)?


Are you using any mods that replace textures?


If you are using mods, untick them & see if the problem still occurs.


If it's gone with your mods off then you'll know one of them is the culprit.


In that case turn them back on one at a time checking in game between each to see if the trouble returns. You can find the responsible mod that way.


Make sure your mods textures have ended up placed correctly.


Make sure you've taken care of archive invalidation, not doing so will prevent new mod added textures from showing up.


To fix it, either download & activate:


ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


Tools - Archive Invalidation


NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


If you are not using mods & it's just vanilla textures messing up, check your:


Fallout 3\Data


& make sure that there's a .bsa called:


Fallout - Textures.bsa


If you have Vista or Win7 & Fallout 3 is installed in Program Files, make sure that that .bsa does not have a tiny padlock on it.


If it does have a tiny padlock on it, move it out onto your Desktop & back EXACTLY where it came from. The padlock symbol should then be gone & the .bsa will work normally.


Hope this helps!



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Hi and thanks a lot for help. +1 REP


it is vanilla-FO3 i installed the game more than 10 times already with all patches.

Now im on 1.07 but still same.


I even tried a german patch (i bought the uk-version bcoz german version is censored) but still the same.

Maybe the disc got damaged by transport.


i used fomm while playing but nothing special happens.

I also cant find the the ArchiveInvalidation.txt!

its not iny any fallout-subfolder and also not in the config/save folder.


By the way: The picture in my first post is the book "You are S.P.E.C.I.A.L" what will be used to set your Special attributes while you are a baby in gebinning of the game.


Here i was Browsing for the Pipboy3000 textures.maybe it helps




This is how my Pipboy looks.



EDIT: Could a Texturepack help?

I do not care in wich language the textures have.




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TheChris80 - Hello!


I notice you mention installing patches but I see you have the GOTY version.


The GOTY is already the latest version ( so you don't need to install any official patches.


You can confirm that you are using the latest version of Fallout by running the game, select "Display" & you should see your version number over to the left.


That should be


"I even tried a german patch"


Definitely DON'T use a different language patch with Fallout 3. :)


"I also tried the fakepatch too"


If you mean this:




You don't need that with the GOTY.


Just cleanly install the GOTY without the fake patch or any official ones.


When you uninstall you current Fallout 3, make sure nothing has been left behind in your Fallout 3 folder. Any mods or patches will not be removed when uninstalling Fallout 3 & can interfere when you reinstall.


Also on reinsatall, go to your:


Documents\My Games\Fallout3


& remove your FALLOUT.ini so that it can be cleanly remade.


"I also cant find the the ArchiveInvalidation.txt! its not iny any fallout-subfolder and also not in the config/save folder."


Most archive invalidation tools create a .bsa called something like ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa & also log it in your .ini file, the text file way of fixing archive invalidation is old school. :)


Anyway, archive invalidation only affects mod added textures, vanilla ones will show up without it.


So it's quite odd yours are not.


If cleanly installing without applying patches still does not fix it, did you have another installation of Fallout 3 in the past?


If so, did you completely uninstall that version? Sometimes people install Fallout 3 in one place & later install elsewhere without cleanly removing the previous version.


"Hi and thanks a lot for help. +1 REP"


Thank-You Kindly! :)


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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I rextured my pipboy now


maybe its not that what i exactly want but it is better than the pink pipboy what really pissed me off.


i use this now.



The patch i used had no effect on the textures.

It had only voice and text.


Thanks for help


Best regards


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