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Casting two spells at the same time from a script Issues


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Hi, I'm having an issue with a script. What I want to do is cast two spells at the same time when you raise your shield, but when I do that, it only does the last one(Actually, it probably does one, then stops instantly and does the other). The Spell has to be a concentration self type.


Finally, here's my script:


Scriptname _BKSM_ShieldBlockEffect extends activemagiceffect

String AnimationEnter = "blockStartOut"
String AnimationExit = "blockStop"

SPELL Property AbilityAdded  Auto
SPELL Property AbilityAdded2  Auto

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)

if (asEventName == AnimationEnter)

 AbilityAdded.Cast(akSource , akSource )
 AbilityAdded2.Cast(akSource , akSource )


if (asEventName == AnimationExit)

 (akSource as Actor).DispelSpell(AbilityAdded)



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

RegisterForAnimationEvent(akTarget, AnimationEnter)
RegisterForAnimationEvent(akTarget, AnimationExit)


Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

UnregisterForAnimationEvent(akTarget, AnimationEnter)
UnregisterForAnimationEvent(akTarget, AnimationExit)



It works for one spell, but it won't do two. It's a problem, because this is supposed to be an enchantment and when someone dual enchants, only one enchantment will work.


Any help would be appreciated.

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