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Racial Dialogue Mod


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Hi guys, I'm sick of using my own and other peoples custom races which are only slight off-shoots of one of the vanilla races (Temptress for example) and not being recognised as the race is comes from. So I've decided to try and get around this myself. The races have Keyword lists, so I am planning to add a keyword to each vanilla race and change the dialogue checks to look for that keyword instead of the race itself. I will make other optional ESPs for some modded races too.


However I need your help. There is a lot of dialogue, and it is quite difficult to sift through it all, so I am hoping you can help me with this. So while playing the game, if you come across any dialogue which you think was dependant on your race (something like: "Welcome kinsman" for Nords) could you take a few minutes to write me a post here telling me who said it and what race it was for? It would really help me a lot.


Now that I've wrote that, I start to wonder why no one has done this before. I have looked for mods like this, but haven't found one. But if it has been done, can someone let me know where I can find it. Though I will probably die of embarrassment if it has already been done.


Thanks guys, I hope to hear from you.

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