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Mod Request: Make it where when you "Take All" from a companion, it doesn't take what they have equipped.


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If I have someone equip for a full set of gear, I can't do the "Take All" command unless I want to go through my inventory to give them all their stuff back and then make them equip it again. So stuck spamming the take button while making sure to skip over what they have equip and can get annoying when they are holding a ton of small stuff for me.

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So whats the problem?Follower has his default outfit?so give him another and press T to make him wear it.

You forget the part where you have loaded your follower with a bunch of stuff to help you carry them, then when you get to town, you hit "Take All" to grab all the stuff they are holding for you but you also snagged the gun they are holding, all their ammo, and any clothing set that doesn't disappear in the menu when they are wearing it.


That now requires you to remember what gear they had equipped before so you have to fish through your inventory give it to them again and press "T" to make them equip it again and don't forget to split your ammo back to give them some more as well.

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