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[LE] need Follower help with 2 esps being used in the same mod

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Hello. So in my mod The Gemstone Prophecy i had 2 esps, 1 had the followers. and 1 had the mod. I did this so i could reuse the followers esp, which i did in The Maidens of prophecy. This worked out very well.


For Gemstone Prophecy 2, I just did 1 esp.


well for Gemstone 3 i wanted to do what i did with number 1, because i wanted to make a last mod with an island. and wanted to resuse the followers esp. I wanted to do this because although Gem 3 has 24 maidens in it, only 4 are playable, whereas the island would have all 24 as playable followers on this island with all sorts of cool stuff. However I'm encountering an issue.


i load the mod as the active and the followers as the plugin. all the non playable maidens are going to be in cells created for the mod, no vanilla locations (in Gem 1 and 2 they were in vanilla locations, and in gem 3 the playable ones are, but all the non playable ones are in a cell created for a huge battle) .


i drop the maidens in the cell, and its good. Also all the faces are already done. when i load up the ck again, same way and i go to the cell, I notice the maidens are now listed in the ck as DUPLICATES. Also now when i go in game, they all have vanilla crap faces.


So, my questions are-


do i need to load the esp in ck differently? whats active and whats plugin? I tried to do maidens as active and mod as plugin, but when i go in game the girls are just not there, even though in ck they are.


or... do i just need to merge the esps and suck it up/ redo all the faces?


or...something else? Help?




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