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Far Cry

Control Mod


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I 'd like to request someone make a mod that should be simple as it was in FC2 before.


On the options menu when you select 'mouse and keyboard' or 'controller' they both work fine on my system since I have a wireless XBOX360 controller attached to the PC.


But, they lock each other out. If one is active in the game, I can't use the other one at all. So how about a 'both' setting or just don't let the system lock out the other controls.


In FC2 I used the m/k for all of the walking/personal actions and the 360 for all of the driving/vehicle actions. Let me choose which controls I want to use on my own.


If someone knows this is already available and I have missed it, please let me know.



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Thanks for your support!


I would really like to see this as I use a G13 and mouse for all of my normal 'on foot' gaming but I like to use the wireless XBOX controller for driving.


I think the G13 is one of the best investments I ever made for gaming. I use it to set up all of my games so that 90% of the keys are almost always the same. Then there are only a few keys specific to a game that need to be learned as a different action. I used it so much over a couple of years, that just recently I had to replace it with a new one.


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