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Skyrim script lag


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  • 2 years later...

I edited my Papyrus seetings and put


iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2457600] under the payrus heading of my skyrim.ini and when I openned SKSE and loaded my save it had 5fps please help
(my original Papyrus settings were
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Do NOT change the Papyrus settings. The default settings are designed to keep the scripting part of the game from consuming all resources. If you give scripts more time and memory that takes away from the other parts of the game including killing your framerate when you have scripting problems. The best thing to help with script lag is to make sure you're getting 60 FPS. If your game can't maintain at least 30 FPS during battle and in heavy content areas then the scripting system will start to lag.


Uninstalling mods can also cause script lag since the system sometimes keeps trying to run scripts that no longer exist (which makes them consume even more resources than they would if the mod were installed). The only fixes for that are to start a new character or try one of the save game cleaners.


The one Papyrus setting that is safe to change is fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS which determines how much extra time the scripts are given at each load screen. Raise that value if you find that mannequins are walking around, weapons start on the floor then jump up the the weapon displays, etc. as you enter your house. But raising that value also means every load screen will be longer.


The real fix for script lag is to avoid uninstalling mods (or at least use a save game cleaner), avoiding ultra-high resolutions and graphics settings (including ENBs) that drop your frame rate below 45-50 FPS (the closer to 60 the better), and if you have a less powerful machine avoiding the truly script heavy mods.

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