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Change Head part with script

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HeadPart Property ZZZ_headp1 Auto const mandatory;
HeadPart Property ZZZ_eyes Auto const mandatory;
HeadPart Property ZZZ_lashes Auto const mandatory;
HeadPart Property ZZZ_jaw Auto const mandatory;
HeadPart Property ZZZ_blankhair Auto const mandatory;
HeadPart Property ZZZ_blankeye Auto const mandatory;

HeadPart[] tHeadParts;
int nCount;

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
	;Debug.MessageBox("ZZZ ARM equipped")
	tHeadParts = akActor.GetActorBase().GetHeadParts();
	nCount = tHeadParts.Length;
	int i = 0;
	while (i < nCount) 
		HeadPart tPart = tHeadParts[i];
		;Debug.MessageBox("Part " + i + " [" + tPart.GetName() + "]" + " is " + tPart.GetType());
		akActor.ChangeHeadPart(tHeadParts[i], true);
                i = i + 1;

Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
	;Debug.MessageBox("ZZZ arm unequipped")

	akActor.ChangeHeadPart(ZZZ_headp1, true, true);
	akActor.ChangeHeadPart(ZZZ_eyes, true, true);
	akActor.ChangeHeadPart(ZZZ_lashes, true, true);
	akActor.ChangeHeadPart(ZZZ_jaw, true, true);
	akActor.ChangeHeadPart(ZZZ_blankhair, true, true);
	akActor.ChangeHeadPart(ZZZ_blankeye, true, true);
	int i = 0;
	while (i < nCount) 
		HeadPart tPart = tHeadParts[i];
		;Debug.MessageBox("Part " + i + " [" + tPart.GetName() + "]" + " is " + tPart.GetType());
		i = i + 1;
Was trying to apply another face to actor who equiping armor, with support for face expressions, mostly work, but have some small problems:
akActor.ChangeHeadPart(tHeadParts, true);
don't work for hair, script can find hair but cant remove it
only when I apply blank (no mesh) head part with hair slot result in hair disappears, but I also cant return hair back
How I can store head part for different actors in variable to return their headpart back when armor is unequipped
HeadPart[] tHeadParts = akActor.GetActorBase().GetHeadParts();
When I equip, then unequip, then again equip I can see eye lashes from base face, and their will appear again each time armor equipping
Why they dont appear first time, I dont know how to remove them, blank eyes and lashes cant remove them
When I select "facegen texture" for face slot model - face appearing with previous face texture (equipped before armor equip) and it is required to use looksmenu to apply proper textures
When I select non facegen - model in face slot dont appear first time when equipping armor
I saw example with facechange with "preset" option in looksmenu, but it ruin all bodygen morphs
Edited by Indarello
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BodyGen.SetSkinOverride(akActor, "Your id of textures in F4SE\Plugins\F4EE\Skin\youresp.esp\skin.json")


when remove outfit:




warning:RemoveSkinOverride before returning headparts, otherwise script may crash game


For other 3 I decided to dont return face parts and and leave the return of the previous preset to the user

Edited by Indarello
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