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Skyrim Legendary Edition Ideas mod help


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Hi all I haven't made any mods and new to this but wanted some help on a project : project Dwemmer and some other mods.


While playing skyrim on multiple playthroughs, it seems the dragon born is not really noticed much by others or there's a lack of acknowledgement.


Mods I would like to see or help create is dragon born acknowled through skyrim in full.


Sure you but vanilla skyrim player homes and mod ones are good but there's a lack of emptyness.


Guilds are shocking a part from a few good quests towards the end of them. Which strongly feel Morrowind did hands down better.


Mods like to see is a local newspaper players could read in local tavern and read by vendors inside and outside the city and get quests such as help wanted and quests by players in the hold of that city as well as the jarls quests and news on the city as progress on the play through.


As well as ability to invest in the city and make upgrades to it.


The return of arena from oblivion and morrowind, ordinator as guards.


In Dwemmer project in markarkth is a old ruin under the city accessed through sewers outside inside is a dungeon which the player finds a tablet of the last Dwemmer in skyrim and to find the crystal of Euir.


The crystal is used in a specific location to teleport the player to land of Dwemmithryn where you can see dwemmer people and buy new armour and weapons as well as quests after the player can experience skyrim in a new light such as a dwemmer motor bike, dwemmer air ship and dwemmer boat and go to Morrowind and see the red mountain and what's left.


Blunder bust a new dwemmer steam powered gun.


In civil war quests Whiterun is damaged like to see a mod which allows players to rebuild cities like helgren reborn so can rebuild parts of the city.


After civil war and elduin is defeated you get a letter for a meeting by all the jarls and wish to appoint you as the king/Queen once you decide to be king/Queen you fight all remaining Thalmor forces to eliminate them from skyrim once done you can then allow Talos worship in every hold and new statue of talos in every hold capital.


Better link with the companions and hircine and quest line


Better quest line for dark brother once main quest line is completed


Better quest line for thieves guild once mainn quest line is completed


As you play the main vanillah quest jarls from every city now send you supplies and guards to assist you through play throughs.



Ability to fly through skyrim on a dragons and experience skyrim on a new light.


Werwolf clan guild better then companions with quests new weapons and armours armours and weapons that are euipable in werewolf mode


Banks in skyrim making new quests for thieves guild.


Moral tong rival quests for thieves and dark brotherhood playthroughs

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