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Hearthfire oversized children


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Hi guys i noticed that some children get oversized after interacting with stuff like forging , enchanting etc ... and they never get back to their normal size,anyone knows how to fix this problem ? Edited by Painc3
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Killable lootable children

is KNOWN to cuase children to grow to adult size to interact with adult objects.

Adult objects are most chairs, boiling pots, some beds, and just about every animated interactable object in the entire game.


Your looking for a mod that changes children specifically in your load order.

Check to see if it has scripts, if it does then only uncheck the esp and not yank the whole mod, cuase then your going to have worst problems.


No I don't reccamend using another mod to fix a problem you've incurred with a bad mod.

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only uncheck the esp and not yank the whole mod

:facepalm: Disabling a mod but leaving the loose scripts in place will result in orphaned scripts continuing to run with broken property variables and "none" references, ultimately bloating your log file and your save game. :wallbash:


@Painc3: use the console, click on the oversized child and type "setscale 1" without quotes.

Edited by steve40
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I don't know if the killable children mod you are using adds any scripts. I think it just (rather lazily) removes the child flag from the child races as gamefever said (hence the problem mentioned). You should double check the archive to see if there is a script folder (or use BSA browser to check if it comes with a BSA). If not, then you should be able to safely remove the thing (although that may not reset the child NPC sizes).


I use this killabe children mod, which prevents children from using adult furniture (and some child quest givers will not have their essential flag toggled until the quest is complete). It does come with scripts, but I've not experienced any issues (other than that it does not support Hearthfire kids).

Edited by ripple
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh, this bug happened, so I switch to the non essential killable children mod. Which seems to be working, except that stretched out children are now stuck stretched out AND I can't kill them (only essential ones were stretched in my game)


I may have to install the old killable children, kill them, get rid of the bodies, and THEN switch over to non-essential killable children at this rate :/

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